A Dragon's Hoard of Tea and Blankets

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Summary: Lumine becomes overwhelmed by her seemingly endless journey one night. Swayed by concern and growing affection for the outlander, a certain former Geo Archon takes her somewhere safe to rest.

"Rain can be quite the cleansing reprieve, though it does one no good to be soaked so thoroughly."

The familiar voice caused Lumine to lift her head from the walkway's icy railing. She thought she would be alone at this time of night, but there he was — Zhongli, standing just a little ways away. Sheltered under an umbrella, his hair stirred gently in the chilling breeze the storm had brought with it. Even with ears sharp from combat, it seemed the rain had concealed his approach.

She quickly looked down again, hot shame bubbling up inside her. It had been a rough night, to say the least. Nightmarish fragments of that horrible day taunted her every time she shut her eyes. Watching her brother Aether be swallowed whole by the black Abyss, torn from her side as her screams to him echoed silently in her own head...

Fresh waves of tears made the corners of her eyes ache as she pressed her fist firmly to wipe them away. She straightened up, knowing it was too late to hide, but was too embarrassed to look at him and too tired to explain herself. All she wanted was to wash down the gutter with the thin stream of water flowing beneath her feet.

"I didn't think anyone else would be out in this weather," she said. "Especially not you."

Zhongli stepped in line beside her. His umbrella now covered her as well, his body shielding her from the edge of the wind.

"A late night stroll can take one's mind off their many thoughts," he said. "When you live as long as I, you find yourself with an abundance of them." He looked from the harbor sprawling ahead of them down to her. "But I'm curious as to why you're out so late. Something similar, perhaps?"

"Just enjoying the scenery. What's wrong with that?"

"It's no use lying, traveler — I'm afraid your eyes have already betrayed you. Even a stranger passing by could tell they're faded from their usual gleam, like dulled Mora in need of polishing. Are you feeling all right?"

Just him asking soothed her in a way. Whether it was the wise, quiet way he posed the question or the fact he cared at all, it made her want to open up.

"Just trouble sleeping, I guess," she said, watching the flickering reflection of the distant rows of lanterns illuminating the puddled, empty street spanning grandly in both directions. She had no desire to go into anymore detail regarding her nightmares. Fortunately, Zhongli seemed satisfied enough with the answer not to press.

"Exhaustion, sadness — poisonous twins that attack the soul as well as the body. Though, I find the company of friends to be an efficient cure. As it happens, it's one you have at your disposal."

He extended a polite hand to her. She gave him a curious look.

"You can't very well expect me to leave you by yourself after such an encounter," he added. "But, of course, the choice is always yours."

With a small smile, Lumine slid her hand into his gloved palm. His other hand clasped over hers, brows furrowing as he examined it closer.

"What is it?" she said.

"Oh, it's just I didn't expect you to feel so cold. Here — "

Zhongli slid out of his long overcoat. It covered Lumine like a cape with its length.

"Y-you don't have to do that!" she exclaimed. "I mean, won't you get cold?"

"There's no need to worry over me. You're the one at risk catching a chill. Come, my living quarters aren't far from here."

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