🙃Twist and shout👯

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Louis POV: I had just arrived at work I was in my dressing room just day dreaming about my amazingly hot co worker Harry styles and my boss Robert just barged in my room to tell me that I have a dance on in ten

Which I already knew

But I had to get ready quickly I already took a shower so I needed to get into costume which was my baby blue panties and my baby blue tutu and as soon as I got my consume on I walk out of my dressing room to see the envious Harry styles just lounging around as I walk past him he looks at me and that alone gives me butterflies.

And then he came up to me and told me

Harry:good luck cutie your gonna need it

And as he walked away I could tell he was staring at my ass which I don't blame him it's quite big and if it give me Harry styles than that's a win win

So I have 5 minutes until I'm on and I realize I forgot my baby blue glitter so I run back to my dressing room to cover myself in glitter and then I'm out to the stage for my performance

strip that down by Leroy mayne

As my song come on I see a familiar face in the crowd ITS HARRY HARRY IS WATCHING ME I had a small panic attack but eventually I was fine and dancing like normal

Harry POV: I see the cute boy with the ass is next for the stage so I have to go watch him and then I realize he's dancing to my favorite song strip that down by Leroy mayne and I sware that made me fall even more in love with him

So I'm in the crowd and as soon as he come out of stage me looks at me and I can't help but feel special as I watch him dance

But you love it hit me hard yeah your bad for my health I love the cards I've been Delt do you feel that same as well

As I see him go up and down on the pole I realize something he's been looking at me this whole time and then my mind rambles on dose he like me why is he starting at me and only me should I ask him to hang after all These though are going through my head I didn't even realize that he was done dancing

So I go to the back hall where he is and I walk up to him and say " Great show sweet cheeks" I can see him blush and he stutters out "t t thank y you" I move my hand to his hair and push it out of his face and he blushing hard now

"What's the matter sweet cheeks can't talk" he stutters out a             "n no I  c can"

"you seem really shy for a pretty boy like you" i said

He just looked at me and I felt a bit proud that I made this boy speechless.

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