😵‍💫Blue eyed boy😵‍💫

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Harry's POV:  so It was 7 pm I have a shift at 8 so I have to get ready to leave but my mind still races around with the blue eyed boy

And how his hips moved and the way he looked At me with his big bright sparkly blue lust filled eyes and how he stuttered when he talked to me and how he swayed his Great ass when he walked  and how his hair was always in a fring and his lase panties that he would wear.

And before I realized I had spent 20 minutes fantasies about the blue eyed boy so I got my outfit and all the body sprays and glitter sprays and I was out and on my way to the club

And a little part of me was hoping the blue eyed boy was there

So I walked in to my dressing room and start to get my stuff ready when I hear a knock on my door

"Knock" "knock" hey Harry it's Liam u in there

In my head: oh it just Liam I wonder what he wants

Yeah I'm here come in

Liam walks in hey haz

Hey li what's up

So you know haz I have seen the way u look at Louis he's a real piece of ass

In my head: I know I would love to have that ass bouncing up and down all night

Yea he really is

So haz if u want me to talk to him about u I can definitely do that wink wink 😘

You'd do that for me li

Ofc mate I love dinosaurs

Omg li your something else but I still love ya

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