chapter three: The Fifth

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THE Grab 'N Go, like usual, was packed with kids from school. Since Finney and Robin were hanging out, Amanda had no choice but to find her own means of fun.

And, of course, Vance Hopper just had to be there.

He was posted right in front of the pinball machine, a small crowd of desperate girls surrounding him. Amanda rolled her eyes and walked down the aisles, trying to find something to eat.

Eventually, she grabbed a bag of chips from the shelf and started for the front counter. She tossed the bag on the counter before glancing over at Vance who had just blown up at the machine.

"FUCKING GOD DAMN IT!" he yelled, sending a kick to the leg of the game.

Amanda rolled her eyes before tossing a quarter to the cashier. She shook her head at the boy that was still raging before leaving the store.

She seriously didn't understand how Vance had so many girls after him when all he did was rage at a kids game. And rage at people.

Amanda was snapped out of her thoughts when she was pinned against the back wall of the Grab N' Go. Her bag of chips dropped to the ground and her eyes widened when she saw that one of the boys that was messing with Finn earlier was the culprit.

"Get the fuck off of-,"

"Your little boyfriend isn't here to protect you," he seethed, his arm pressing down on the girls neck.

Amanda truly didn't know why this boy was coming after her. He couldn't truly be pissed off about the "cum swallower" comment, could he?

"What the fuck do you want?" Amanda questioned, struggling to speak.

The boys mouth spread into a smirk, sending shivers down Amanda's spine. So, she did what she did best.

She fought.

She brought her knee to the boys groin, causing his arm to drop from her throat. When he bent over, she grabbed the back of his head and brought her knee to his face. Over, and over again.

"Don't try anything on me," she seethed. "You'll regret it,"

She brought the boy up once more before bringing her fist back and slamming it into his face, knocking him out cold. She shrugged her shoulders with a smile before turning to pick up her bag of chips. Only to find that they had been crushed and the chips now lay scattered on the ground.

"Cunt licker!" she exclaimed, stomping her foot into the ground.

"That's no way for a lady to talk,"

Amanda turned towards the sound of the voice and saw Vance Hopper, leaning against the wall a little further down, a cigarette in his mouth.

"The fuck do you want?" she asked hostilely, walking towards the boy.

"I want to enjoy my fucking cigarette," he retorted, inhaling the smoke while staring at Amanda intently. "You get into fights often?"

Amanda held her hand out, silently asking for a hit off of the cigarette. Vance glanced down at her hand before reluctantly handing over the cigarette.

"I guess you could say that," she finally replied, placing the cigarette in her mouth.

"Explains the eye," Vance nodded towards her eye, which was now as swollen as ever. "I was gonna step in with that asshole, but, it seemed like you had it,"

Amanda passed the cigarette back, blowing smoke into the air. "Yeah, I can usually handle myself," she shrugged.

"Yeah?" Vance asked challengingly, his eyebrows raised. "How'd that happen, then?"

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