Chapter 6

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Shadow: No......this can't be happening.

A brutal silence strike the place as Shadow seems to be stuck in a nightmare with no end.

Soon, the ones on the park started to panic and scream.

Everyone there runned for their lives leaving anyone behind and helpless.

Sonic was no exception, unfortunate the bullet caught Sonic's left arm and was pass out.

Shadow was shock, he didn't wanted any of these to happen but soon, he armed himself with cofidence.

He quickly grabbed Sonic and rushed to a near by hospital.

???: Run, run all you want but, you can't hide from me.

The mysterious person decided to retreat for now to see if there is any changes on the observed couple.

In the meantime, Shadow arrived to the medical center with Sonic, who's pass out and already bleed quite a lot.

As soon the doctor saw the bleeding hedgehog they soon start their emergency protocol and took Sonic off Shadow's hands.

There was nothing Shadow can do, for now he could only pray for the safety of his patner.

After some dreadful hours, the doctor finally came in to see Shadow.

Doctor: Come with me son.

Shadow: ?!?

They both went to the doctor's consultory, Shadow was very scared to heard the news.

Doctor: Well son, I have both good news and bad news.

Shadow: What's the good news ?

Doctor: Well the lad is stable. We manage to subtract a bullet.

Shadow: And the bad new ?

Doctor: Your patner lose quite a lot of blood wich putted him and the child in danger. Now he's in a delicate state and the slightest thing that happens to him next time it could lead him into an abortion and even lose his life.

Shadow: Is there anything I can do?

Doctor: For now, he must remain in the hospital for further tests and close observation. In the meantime you can stay by his side and support him.

Shadow: *about to cry* Okay. Doctor, may I see him?

Doctor: I know is hard for you lad but, you can't see him for the moment.

Shadow: Why?! You said he's stable!

Doctor: I said he's stable but, that doesn't mean he's not in danger or his child. We must make sure he recovers and keep an eye on him.

Shadow: *letting go some tears* I un-understand...

Doctor: Why don't you go home and rest for a bit. I promise that I will call if something happens. You can come tomorow and see him if it's safe.

Shadow: Alright.

Shadow headed to his home, alone and sad. It was quite tragic, not being able to see if your patner is ok or is just a doctor's "sweet lie".

He finally manage to arrive at his home and opened the door. Shadow took a bath and then he went to his room to try to sleep a bit.

He did his best to fall asleep, after all he needs is the energies for tomorow.

Not long he fell asleep but, someone or something was in the house. That thing wasn't good news and is very mean and evil. It didn't wanted to be seen just yet, so he sticks to see and investigate his surroundings and when he feels somethings he hide in a safe place. Shadow gave up when he didn't spot anything and went back to sleep.

The next day, Shadow woke up and got ready for the hospital but, he didn't have breakfast.(Oh well)

After a while he reached the hospital and headed to the doctor's office.

In the office...

Doctor: Hello lad, how you're feeling?

Shadow: Im okay and thanks for the concern but, how's Sonic?

Doctor: Well, he got through the night with no complications. But we're running some test on him right now, but after that you're free to see him.

Shadow: *very happy*
Thanks a lot doc!

Doctor: Is my pleasure son.

Shadow headed to Sonic's room very glad that's he's able to see him.

When he arrived to room he saw a nurse checking his heart rate, temperature and a ultrasound to the child's condition.

Not long he was able to enter the room. Sonic wasn't been able to wake up from the incident but, the doctors said it was normal since he need quite some time to recover.

Shadow: ...Oh Sonic...please be ok.

Sonic: *no response*

Shadow: Please wake up. I know your there, please you have to.

Sonic: *still no response*

Shadow holded Sonic's hand and for his surprise Sonic holded his hand tight.

Shadow: *glad* Sonic.. you're there.

Shadow after that decided to talk to Sonic in hope he finally wakes up.

Everyday he talks to Sonic about all the good times encouraging him to wake up.

Two week later, Shadow didn't gave up and he stills talks to Sonic who looks like he's in a deep slumber. To Shadow's surprise that same afternoon Sonic started to react.

Sonic: *groan*

Shadow: Sonic, darling you're awake!

Sonic:...Shadow... what h-happened? Where am I?

Shadow: You're in the hospital. You ended here after a bullet caught your left arm.

Sonic: Really?

Shadow: Yes.

Sonic: So it means I have to stay here.

Shadow: I'm afraid so but, don't worry about it okay. I will be always be here for you.

Sonic: Fine. Only for you Shadow.

That night Shadow managed to tell Sonic all about his current state to aware him of the danger he's in. Sonic was very serious and was thinking about his own condition.

Anyway, he followed all the doctor recomendations and cooperate in his daily tests.

A few weeks later, Sonic was oficially 4 months pregnant. He has recovered quite well from the incident, the doctor let Sonic return home to rest there for the rest of his pregnacy but he must now go to monthly check ups.

Shadow: Ready to go home sweetheart?

Sonic: Of course I am Shadow.

Shadow: Then let us go home then.

Sonic: *nodded*

Shadow headed home with Sonic with great care. Shadow make sure his patner was alright all the way home.

Some time later, the reached their beloved home.

Shadow: We finally home my lollipop.

Sonic: Yay!

Shadow opened the door to let his pregnant darling enter the house.

Shadow and Sonic: OMG! What's all this?!

To be continued...

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