The Walking Dead.

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bc puns are my fav.


It was four minutes to midnight. I was sitting on Merle's bed flicking through an old book I'd found lying around their new apartment. They'd been gone all day, work had been busy recently.

At least a part of their lives was looking up.

I groaned in frustration at the boring book and tossed it across the room, it crashed against the desk where all their paperwork sat, and sadly all their paperwork that had been piled high like Mount Everest came floating to the ground.

I groaned again.

Before I could get off the bed and fix what I had done my phone vibrated in my pocket.

I sighed and tugged my phone from my pocket.

I frowned softly reading the notification.

1 New Message: Kaley Hudson: Heey, I know it's been a while and all but just thought I'd let you know we're re-auditioning for the Cheerleading squad for the new season, hope you can make it. Tomorrow at four o clock:)

I scoffed softly staring at the message.

Kaley fucking Hudson. She was the girl who made me join the god damn cheerleading squad in the first place, she was the girl who changed me to 'fit it', she was the girl that I had to tell my best friends to fuck off just to impress her. She ruined me. And then acted like it was nothing. And then when I got distant and stopped talking to her, she completely left me hanging. Sure I cut off all communications but she started rumors about me! She never backed me up over anything! She called me a whore! She told the whole world I'd had sex with Merle Dixon, he'd gotten me pregnant and then took off because he didn't want to be responsible for the baby and then said that I'd lost the baby is a car accident.

She ruined me.

And she had the nerve to text me?

I was mad, ridiculously mad, but I didn't want to let her onto that, and therefore spent the next fifteen minutes trying to come up with a decent come back that would display every single piece of hatred I had towards her in like seven words. And also sound witty and inform her I wasn't going.

In the end I decided on. I'll be dead by then anyways, but who are you to care?

I left it like that and turned my phone off after sending the message.

I sighed and climbed off of Merle's bed and crawled over to the pile of messy papers on the floor. I scowled at them and began to flick through them aimlessly, going through formal letter after formal letter after formal letter, until, I came to a crumpled piece of paper with the words 'To The Dixon Brothers.' Scrawled across it.

I frowned and straightened the piece of paper turning it over to read what was written on it.

I read it once, then twice, and then a third time. "Even the dead know more than you. They could save her faster than you could." My eyebrows knit together a frown etching onto my face.

I didn't debate what it could mean I just dashed to my feet and ran to the door. I threw it open and ran headlong to the emergency exit stairs that lay at the end of their apartment. It was the fastest way out of the building.

Daryl and Merle had upgraded apartments since I'd last been there. They had brought in more money and bought a large penthouse overlooking Central park. It was more to intimidate their opponents rather than their taste. It was their explanation for it anyways. Their living room, dining room and kitchen were all high end stuff, designer and all, but their bedrooms were exactly like their ones at home, almost like a slice of reality.

The Dixon's Best Friend. [Daryl Dixon Fanfiction.]Where stories live. Discover now