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which is something bc wasn't being a big fan of the last cbs but this is ADDICTIVE
what are your thoughts?

anyways we're here for business and we better focus😤 going to the chapter, VRROOOM VRROOMM🚗🚗

anyways we're here for business and we better focus😤 going to the chapter, VRROOOM VRROOMM🚗🚗

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"You like my brother, right?"

Lisa, who was just sipping orange juice from a glass, sunbathing next to her, choked so hard the liquid went through the wrong hole and her nose burned.

"Mmmmm," she moaned in pain, squeezing the tip of her nose. Damn, it was acid!

"Sorry~," Somi kneeled next to her and helped her to sit on the lounge chair and lean her head back, damn, Lisa was already tearing up.

"Put a warning before asking questions like that!" Lisa complained, embarrassingly trying to push the juice out from her nostrils, making elephant noises and everything.

"Sorry," Somi repeated, stifling a laugh. "I'm really sorry"

"You're not, you're laughing at me"

"Yeah," the younger one nodded, covering her mouth.

Lisa couldn't glare at her, she chuckled too, wiping the tears from her eyes "You're so wrong for this"

"It's in my blood, what can I say," she shrugged innocently and quickly focused: "But do you?"

"Do I what?" she blinked innocently too, wiping the actual orange juice drop under her nose.

"You know what"

"Nop, I don't"


"I don't know what you're talking about"

"Oh, do you want me to repeat my question? So maybe someone in the house can hear it? I can do that!"

This little sneaky teenager...

Lisa frowned in bewilderment and her voice came out in a very revealing high-pitched tone. "What makes you think that?"

It was probably the fact that she was drooling so much for Jungkook that she needed a bucket but she wasn't that obvious, please!

"Unnie, do you remember when for my last birthday you gifted me this super pretty custom Balenciaga bag and I couldn't stop looking at it for 15 minutes?"

What did that have to do with anything?

Lisa nodded. "There were about 20 pictures of that," she remembered, thoughtfully. Somi was quite popular on Instagram, like herself, and she became a local meme. Lisa's favourite was: "me, when I see a kitten".

"Yeah, that was Jungkook's art, you know he's always around capturing my most embarrassing moments," she rolled her eyes, as if she actually looked bad in those pictures.

Champagne Problems • liskook [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now