💜Spill all that is crimson💜

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[(a/n) Read the following list for the warnings you will experience]

Self doubt:💌
Body implications on oneself:🌺
Jealousy 😾
Post apocalyptic ⚠️

[Thank you and welcome, to the realm of the demon's illusions]
[I hope you enjoy~]

{3rd Pov}

Loud rumbles of the earth echoed throughout the spacious room, with the sounds of shoes slapping onto the floor belonging to students, a lady who stood above the students at the balcony observed. Silence filling the room as a group of 2 pairs of students avoided attacks, from pale humanoid puppets who were aiming at the said teens, but all was not lost. The pairs moved away from the attacks with precision, handcuffed to the other with forced teamwork in tow, yet as the pale puppets threw another punch to the students...it stood still. Causing the group of teens to stare back at the humanoid mechanic, most in deep puzzlement, until "(y/n) (l/n), Colonel Guren wishes to seek an audience with you." The brunette called out to the girl below. Amongst all of the students, the (e/c) eyed stared back up at the woman with a silent inhale of frustration, yet the feeling dispersed when a single soldier strode over to her, releasing the lass.

Soft footsteps against crimson carpet echoed throughout the hall, keeping the still silence at bay while she took to fixing her sleeve, "What does Guren want now?" she thought for a moment. But before she could think of any possibilities, a voice interrupted her train of thought "(y/n), long time no see" her grip to the sleeve was released and her arm retracted back to her side. The (h/c)-nette strode over to the adult who leaned onto the wall, arms crossed over the male's chest "I could say the same with you, Colonel Guren." (Y/n) greeted with less enthusiasm. The raven haired man leaned his head to the direction of her form, locks now swaying with the motion of his head as his gaze bore into (e/c) pools, "Is that any way to greet your elders?" Said female only scoffed at his offended tone. Stopping in front of Guren, she stared back up at the Colonel ever so casually much to the Ravenette's amusement, "You shouldn't interrupt my training sessions whenever you get the chance, I see that as an unusual behavior of yours." The lass stated with maturity in the glint of her eyes. Guren Ichinoise pushed off of the wall and placed his spare hand onto his hip, "At this rate, you won't even get a boyfriend-" before he could comment in a judgemental manner, (y/n)'s voice cut him off "Nor do I see you with a woman, so I suggest you get to the point." Causing the adult to sigh as a form of stress. The Colonel merely placed a gloved hand onto the girl's (h/c) locks that framed her, "You've gotten bigger, brat." Yet the unperterbed look from the shorter teen revealed her stoic demeanor, "And you've gotten more careless." (Y/n) retorted calmly. Which eventually led to the Ravenette retracting his hand and slipping it into his pocket, "Still got the same spunk as a child, when the Moon Demon Company decided to take you in." Yet the comment itself received the girl's arms folded across her chest. The (h/c)-nette stared up at Guren with a look of expectancy, making her look more fierce than she already seemed "If you don't explain, I'll go back to training and leave you here." The female threatened to the taller figure. Another dissapointed sigh erupted from the Adult's throat, "geez your no fun at all" he muttered with a pale hand running through the locks of his dark hair, making him seem less intimidated which ticked off the teen in front of him. Said lass retracted her arms to her sides with fists closed, "I didn't join the Moon Demon Company for games, I joined to find him." The response from the girl's vocals caused the Colonel to turn his back to (y/n), striding forward with casual steps he raised a hand and motioned the girl to follow suite, "Follow me, and...be nice to the kids who will join us soon." He stated. The action alone puzzled the (e/c) eyed girl, although she wasn't in the position to refuse an offer for curiosity took hold, but the more she followed the grown man further, teens were taken out of their homerooms one by one. (Y/n) burned holes in the back of the Colonel's head with even more confusion piling up, "What is he planning?" She thought to herself once more with a grim look on her features, to which Guren Ichinoise took notice of when he glanced back at her. Not long after, everyone arrived to an elevator that moved down, leading to an eerie silence within the little space, amongst the muffled noises of the machine plunging them into the unknown. The elevator had begun slowing down as the gates slid open as if embracing them, the (h/c)-nette attempted to tip toe behind Guren and two other males, yet to no avail, the lass had to wait until they entered wherever the Colonel took them to. Finally, the males strode forward and revealed the area unknown, much to (y/n)'s curiosity, the walls were littered with three enormous statues, resembling of vicious and callous demons who stared back at the students like predators. Small noises of awe left the teens around the (h/c)-nette who stared back up at the statues, yet just as her guard had begun to hold up quite strongly, "Today you'll be recieveing your Cursed Gears, but before you do..." The Ravenette paused and turned to the teens behind him. A pale gloved hand rested onto the katana at his sheathed weapon on his hip, "The demon residing within the Cursed Gear will attempt to overpower the wielder, turning you into a man-eating demon. Should you turn into one, the students around you will handle it." He stated ever so calmly. The teens had begun to look around their forms with caution, until their gaze landed on the (e/c) eyed female who glared at the adult, yet Guren's features showed quite the opposite with a smirk in place. Although when Guren turned to proceed any further, (y/n) noticed the way the trio of students stared at her, their eyes filled to the brim with poison much to the female's puzzlement. But she stood her ground aloof yet unyielding to those around her, for she too had a goal set in mind, then took the first few steps forward past the Colonel who smiled amusement. The girl progressed with the other set of students following after, said (h/c)nette stood in front of the vast variety of weapons in their rightful places, reflecting on which weapon would suite her fighting style. The first two students took a hold of their own weapons, which ended with their figures collapsing within a bright circle underneath their forms, but the sound of heavy footsteps interrupted her train of thought. The presence of someone's own body leaned near her right ear closely, Guren's arms were now held behind his back with a cocky tone in his voice, "If you're hesitating, you could turn around and leave with your tail between your legs." He commented. Although his attempt to hit a nerve failed miserably as the lass didn't give a single glance, "Don't assume so easily, Guren." She responded with eyes closed in thought, "Be patient and let me think." For a split moment, there was a small feeling. (Y/n) turned to the direction of the force drawing her in, revealing it to be a black bladed katana with an emerald streak at the edge, something felt off about the Cursed Gear itself...but it lured her closer, tugging at her body. The (e/c) eyed girl strode over to the weapon, ignoring the Ravenette who stared at her in a puzzled manner, yet the confusion had vanished just as quickly once his gaze made contact with the sword. Said male only stared at the (h/c)-nette's back and watched, her form now in front of the blade's figure "I'll find you." She mumbled to herself, determination seeped out from within words and on actions alone, while she pulled out the Katana from it's resting place. Her vision was now consumed in a blinding light, coming from underneath her feet after the blade's release, consciousness now faded into the foggiest place in her mind. (Y/n)'s lids split open as (e/c) irises gazed at her surroundings, but her thoughts came to a halt when she glanced down at her hand, water was present from underneath her up to the ankle's height. Further causing her mind to spiral into confusion as she got up, droplets of water echoed throughout the pale pillars that connected to each other from any angle, leading to an infinite maze. This place reminded her of the books she read back at the Library, structures resembling that of Ancient Greece as though history had came back to greet her, yet she wandered with fingers now clasped around her arms. The chilly atmosphere caused the chicken skin to intensify the more she remained in the water, followed by the ripples that traveled from far and wide, reaching to the deepest and darkest corners of the area. Admist the shadows that reflected across pale bricks, serving as the floor that the lass stepped on with simple caution, she progressed further, until...a voice called out to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2023 ⏰

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