Challenge #1

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The twelve contestants arrive at a clearing in the forest. It was a sandy hollow, the soft grains surrounding the floor around a tall circular platform. Sierra and Topher stood on top of it, both holding a plastic sword. On the ground, one next to either side of the platform, were two tables, one for each team.

"Welcome, campers, to your first challenge!"

"Oh, for real? I thought it was our third." Joel quips, lifting an eyebrow. This earns a few laughs, but everyone quickly shuts up as Sierra blows a whistle.

"Shut it! Anyways, as you can see, there is a platform-"

"Is there?" Valerie buts in.

"Yes, there is a platform. And on said platform, are two-"


The contestants all begin to laugh at Trixie's insult, even some interns joining in as well.

"...are two swords." Topher glares down at the campers as he wields his red saber, Sierra wielding her own blue.

"I've found and contacted people from your homes, schools, and more, and asked them for some of your most embarrassing, cruel secrets. Secrets that you couldn't torture out of me." Sierra says all of this information casually, and this makes all of the campers freeze up in fear.

"You what?!"

"Anyway, it is your job to vote for who you think that secret applies to, but you can only vote for a member of your team. Then, the teammate on either team with the most votes duel on top of this platform."

"If you knock the opposing team member in, you get one point. If your team votes correctly, and you win the duel, you earn two points. If your team member fesses up before the duel, you get three points. Any questions?"

"What happens if we vote the correct teammate, but we lose the match?" Ilani asks, raising her hand.

"No points."

Worriedly, the campers shift on their feet. How did such sensitive information make its way to the hosts? What horrible secrets would their friends and family share to a stranger?

"I'll allow both teams a few minutes to discuss, and then the first secret will be revealed."

In an instant, Adrian drags the Murderous Minnows away from the Screeching Squirrels. He's appointed himself the team leader already, apparently, and no one on his team seems to dispute this.

"Confess, no matter how embarrassing. We can't risk losing the duel." He orders his team, crossing his arms.

"Oh, yeah? Your secrets probably aren't even that bad. What, the steroids you use turn your piss blue?" Vivian counters, which seems to shock Adrian. Hell, the whole team too.

"I'm trying to help us here." The athlete retaliates, appaled. "They have Valerie and Myra. Do you seriously think we're going to be able to push them over?"

"Adrian has a point. Just try and be honest, okay? If no one fesses up, we vote in him or Glenn." Joel notes, gesturing to the two most physically capable of the group. Adrian seems proud, but Glenn just seems unwilling.

"...Fine. Deal." Vivian agrees, crossing her arms and looking away.

Adrian holds his hand out, and after some hesitance, Kelsey puts her hand over his. Followed by Glenn, Joel, Elle, and finally, Vivian.

"Go team!" Adrian whoops.

Across the area stood the Screeching Squirrels team, discussing their plan in a circle. There seemed to be a lot less conflict, everyone much more relaxed and laid back.

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