Contestant Interviews

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What’s your best quality?
“I’d do anything it takes to win. And, that’s really important here, honestly. I’ve seen earlier seasons. Emotions get in the way all the time. You can’t eliminate your friend, can you? I can. I’d do anything.”

Faves? (music, color, movie, food)
“Metal, rock, etc. My favorite subgenre is sludge metal.”
“Red. And black. Is that really not obvious?”
“Cherries. They’re so sweet, I really like them… What? Did you expect me to say blood or something? Am I not stereotypical enough for you?”

Describe your craziest dream.

Best memory from childhood?
“I guess recess in primary school. Hanging out with all the other kids was fun. No judgment, no cliques, no shame.”

Most embarrassing moment at school?
“Nothing really that embarrassing happened to me. Once a flare gun went off in my bookbag. I intended for that to happen, but still.”

Describe the first job you ever had.
“My one-woman band. I upload to Youtube and Soundcloud and get some money from that. I play a little bit in public, too. I started when I was thirteen.”

Ten years from now, what are you doing?
“I’m probably in therapy for this show, still. Yeah, I’ve seen the old contestants. They’re messed up.”

My dream date would be with ______, doing what?
“...No specific person, just someone I can trust. We’d go to a concert together.”

It’s the last day on earth. In five words or less, what would you do?
“I just wouldn’t die. Simple.”


What’s your best quality?
“I have too many to count, I’m just so amazing. First off, I’m, like, so handsome. And I’m very talented, and smart, and funny, and humble, and cool, and handsome, and I’m just basically perfect. But, my best overall trait is probably my ability to be able to connect with people and make people happy. I think I’m good at that.”

Faves? (music, color, movie, food)
“Kendrick Lamar, Childish Gambino, and Queen. Kanye’s good too!”
“Red! It’s so powerful and bold, I love it. Purple, too.”
“Kicking and screaming.”
“Hear me out, okay… Snickles. Don’t bash it till you try it.”

Describe your craziest dream.
“I had this dream that this guy with a massive head and I were attacked by this crab. The grab was giant, like its claws were as tall as I am! It spoke in a British accent and threatened to kill me, revive me, and then kill me again. Yikes…”

Best memory from childhood?
“Ooh, I love this story! So, it was like the final quarter of a soccer game, right? We’re all on one side of the field, when suddenly, the ball is like tumbling towards our goal. There’s no defense in sight, and this prick on the other team is heading directly towards our unprepared goalie. And I’m on the other side of the field, but I play center midfield, so it’s my job to run everywhere. So, anyway, I start running at what I swear is 70 miles per hour, an- wait! Don’t move on, I’m still talking! So, I get to the guy and-”

Most embarrassing moment at school?
“Ugh… Don’t remind me, please… Uhm… My girl broke up with me before a soccer game, and then we lost, and I just cracked and cried in front of the whole student body section. It sucked. Worst day of my life. I- I t-trusted her too… And everyone was watching and I- I just… Sorry.”

Describe the first job you ever had.
“Soccer referee for little kids. It was pretty fun! The parents hated me, though.”

Ten years from now, what are you doing?
“Winning the world cup, baby! …Is there a World Cup in 2032? Uh…”

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