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❝ the world long-forgotten at your fingertips ❞

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the world long-forgotten at your fingertips

NIGHTLIFE FESTIVITIES WERE far more lively than you had anticipated. Street vendors were busy catering to customers, children played their games, weaving through the alleyways, and the bars— most importantly, were loud and full of life. Coming from the announcement that followed this year's Star; it's not surprising to see the city so lively.

This year's Star was chosen to be Amber who had been given the title for her valor and commitment to helping those around her. Although your time with Amber post-incident has been very brief (she sent you a card expressing well wishes for recovery). You recognized her good intention and kind heart. She greatly deserved the title, more than anyone else. Such benevolence doesn't come easily, nor does that sense of unwavering justice she possessed.

You decided to pay the Knights a visit, seeing as it was nearing the end of the festivities for the day. The purpose of the visitation was to thank Amber for the well wishes and to congratulate her (as you avoided the ceremony after your exchange with Diluc; it didn't feel right for you to attend). There were other intentions, more specifically to see Jean as you haven't had any direct contact with her since your awakening.

Twisting, you turned and weaved through the stone alleyways, making little progress towards the Knights' Headquarters.

You took another turn, looking left to see that you've somehow made it to the base of the windmills - close to the gothic-style hotel. You huffed in frustration, confused with your atrocious sense of direction before a voice came from behind.

"Are you perhaps lost, ma'am?"

Evidently. You almost wanted to say but bit back the snark as you spun around to meet a piercing emerald gaze. "A bit, yes."

It was rather embarrassing to admit such a thing but you were indeed lost. It was your first time back in the city since the incident; and your previous memories served you very little in terms of guidance.

You observed the blonde-haired male, glossing over his delicate features to observe his almost... uncanny expression. Strangely familiar though of course, this could've just been another causation of your psyche. Your mind fractured like pieces of a broken mirror that seemingly reflected what your old life was like...

"Ah, Lady Gunnhildr. My apologies for not recognizing you." So he knew you, or at least... recognized you in this state.

"It's... no worries." Your tone wavered with little confidence. Surely your condition has been told to all? Or at the very least, heard by the general populace. "And you are...?"

He smiled, his eyes gleaming with a silvery overcast of stars. "My apologies... I am the Chief Alchemist and Captain of the Investigation Team; I go by Albedo."

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