Hello those who decided to read this story!
I've never really written before, or at least post and save it. I tend to get displeased with my writing and scrap it, so I'd like to give a heads up about spelling errors and anything that might not make sense.
I'm planning on writing the story without looking at it twice. Then, once it's finished, it'll be under heavy editing!
It won't have consistent updates either, I'm not good at doing anything consistently, so I'll post when I can! I hope you understand!
That's all I have to say for now. We'll aside from that this is angst and this is a warning that there is death and a lot more. So read at your own risk, loves!
Your author,
The wørłeđ Điđ Nøt Đeserve Yøu, Yøu Đeserveđ The Wørłeđ
Ngẫu nhiênWhat happens when you put others before yourself, because one does not believe they aren't worthy enough to rely on others? To where you start breaking beyond repair? . . . You can only go on for so long ignoring your own needs, and when you do get...