chapter three

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the clearwaters

Tama sat in Bella's soon to be bed with her arms crossed, a scowl on her face

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Tama sat in Bella's soon to be bed with her arms crossed, a scowl on her face. She had been stuck in the room for the entirety of last night and a majority of the day. The only time she had been allowed out were for supervised showers and bathroom breaks. She hated it.

"It's just until you get your strength back," Mitena reassured her daughter. She placed the tray of food on the bed in front of the annoyed teenager, stepping back a few inches.

Tama examined the food her mother had made, grumbling a small thank you as she remembered her manners, taking a few bites to please her. "How am I supposed to get my strength back if I'm stuck in bed?"

"Girl's got a point," Charlie piped in, appearing in the doorway of the room his daughter would soon inhabit. Tama smiled, happy to know Charlie was almost always on her side when it came to the rare disagreements with her mother.

Mitena sent Charlie an annoyed glance, to which he shrugged. "She's not broken, the girl's just got a few bruises," he reassured her, always the mediator between the two women.

She finally relented, throwing her hands up in surrender. Both Charlie and Tama smiled, giving each other high fives much to Mitena's annoyance. "We'll start small and simple, I promise. You can hang out with me outside while I clean the boat and get some fresh air, maybe even come fishing with us."

"Us?" Tama raised an eyebrow as she looked over at her mother, knowing she wasn't the "fishing" type whatsoever. In fact, Tama had inherited her non athleticism from her very own mother. They both despised anything active besides swimming and surfing, the latter only a result of Tama being friends with Tallulah Uley, the best surfer in the state. "Since when do you want to go fishing?"

Mitena scoffed while Charlie failed to hold back a laugh, the two old friends sharing a smile at the thought of her being in a boat to fish. The woman turned to her daughter, playfully rolling her eyes at Charlie's teasing. "I'm not going, of course. The Clearwater's are coming over later, they wanted to see you."

"They wanted to come visit in the hospital but," Charlie trailed off, cutting himself short when he saw the look Mitena sent him. He cleared his throat awkwardly, adjusting his belt before tilting his head in the direction of the hallway. "Let's get a move on, they should be here soon."

Without skipping a beat and completely missing the unspoken interactionl, Tama went to throw the blankets off of her with a smile, happy to be out of the room that received no direct sunlight for a majority of the day. Her mother stopped her of course, a stern look on her face. The older woman stared down at the half eaten breakfast expectantly. "You have to eat, Tama. You can't get well on an empty stomach."

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