Part 1 *

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As soon as the bell rang, the class sighed with a tinge of relief. After all, it was Biology class that ended. More than the subject, it was the teacher, Mrs. Wilson, that made the class more boring.

The moment she left the class, everyone jumped up in excitement. It was their lunch break, finally!

"Sany, do you know that guy?" said Alisha, while pointing towards a nerdy yet cool boy, on the first bench. Alisha, was her classmate-cum-best friend. The two have been together since 4 years, and have been neighbours.

"Who? That 'Shekhawat' guy?" asked Sanyukta, while following Alisha's finger, directed towards her new eye candy.

"Yeah, he's kinda hot and cute and so freaking delicious!" exclaimed Aly (Short for Alisha).

"What? No, please! I have seen better," said Sanyukta, packing her books, and standing up to leave the class for their much awaited meal.

"Sany, do you see his abs? Oh gosh, that white shirt he's wearing, I can see right through that thin fabric, he's super hot!" said an excited Aly, while struggling to follow and match upto Sanyukta's speed.

"Hell, Aly. Stop now. What's different about him? He's just another guy," mumbled Sanyukta, while her heart totally rejected the words, as soon as they came out of her vicious tongue.

They walked over to their usual seat across the canteen, while surveying the food station, for something delicious to munch on.

"Alisha, I am gonna eat a chicken sandwich and some spicy fries, what about ya?" said Sanyukta, while crossing her legs and checking through her twitter feed.

"Sany, how can you afford to hog on junk and still have that 'picture perfect' body?" yelled Aly, as she envied Sanyukta's curves in a good way.

"Hahaha! Now go get me my food, walking may help you lose those extra pounds you're showcasing," said she, while staring at her phone, not once looking upto her bestie.

"Sure, Your Majesty," Alisha left with these words, almost dropping them through her ears, sarcastically.

After a while, she heard a boyish husky voice enlightening her ears, "May I have the pleasure to sit with you, milady?"

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