Story info

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First off, the reader's look is based off of Lloyd from Ninjago

(Which I do not own sadly, because if I did Kai, Cole, Jay, and Zane wouldn't have those horrible hairstyles that they had in the Lego Ninjago movie. The only acceptable hairstyles from that movie was Lloyd's and Nya's)

  I've only fully watched up until season 7 and halfway through season 8. Nya will have her season 8 hairstyle (Because let's be honest it suits her attitude and looks way better than the Bob cut hairstyle she originally had) the others will have their pre-season 8 hairstyles because as I said before I hate their hairstyles in season 8.

There's no Lloyd because the reader takes his place as Garmadon's daughter, so everything Lloyd has experienced is what the reader has experienced. To be honest I was going to make the reader be Lloyd's twin sister but changed my mind.

Stories by espurrqueen2006, WUW_Demon_Slayerand sesskagfan please check out their LMK X reader stories, I promise you won't be disappointed.

Name: Y/N Garmadon

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Appearance: H/L Golden blonde hair, and Emerald green eyes are the most distinctive features Y/N has. When angered Y/N gains small horns and white and red lines similar to the Oni mask of Vengeance appear on her face. (It doesn't look like the mask, it's just similar)

Nicknames/Alias: Green Ninja, Golden Ninja, Greenie(Kai), N/N(friends), Peaches (Sun), Princess (Macaque), Miss Y/N (Bai He), Niece (Wu), etc

Favorite color(s) : Green(obviously), gold, red, F/C

Favorite food: Candy and surprisingly spicy foods

Hobbies: Training, reading comics and books, playing pranks, F/H

Job: Steep Wisdom (Tea Shop), Ninja

Power(s): Golden/Green energy, Fire, Ice, Lightning, Earth, Creation, Destruction, can create a dragon out of her own energy, can create clones like MK (just go with it)

Love interests:


Monkey King (Sun Wukong)

Macaque (Six Ear Macaque)

Kai Smith

Cole Brookstone

Morro (?) (Let me know if you want him)

Red Son

Edit: Originally I wasn't going to add Morro but I read a story where he was brought back to life and was a love interest for the reader. And I thought, what the heck, why not. Besides he'd get along with Macaque since they both died and came back to life.

Edit #2: this will take place sometime after season 4. Because I feel like it would fit this story better.

The Golden Balance (Various!LMK X Lloyd!reader)Where stories live. Discover now