Losing her

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Hi reader! A short POV about Emir The surgeon. Hopefully a longer EfMir story will come soon, but real life got in the way this week and it might be a bit delayed. So enjoy this one for now and see you soon !

Emir had always given priority to his work. He had built his life around being a surgeon partly because it was the best proof that he had used the privileged life that Kaya and Serpil had given by adopting him, of course, but also because it made him worthy of their love. Being the best surgeon was good for his ego, but there were much deeper reasons why he loved his profession. With a scalpel in his hand, he became so focused that everything disappeared into the world. The first time he held the instrument and cut living flesh was a revelation. That simple act and the fact that he could impact the lives of those on the table made him part of a journey much bigger than himself. It humbled him and also calmed his need for control significantly. This is why he was able to be dedicated, precise and focused for hours and hours, standing by the operating table.

It was also the best way to escape the heartache when Sevda almost suddenly disappeared from his life a few years ago. Emir put his personal life on hold - at least the sentimental part, humans have needs after all - and worked harder than ever, despite being the handsome son of rich parents, to be the best surgeon he could be. Better than his father. Better than Pervin. Being a surgeon has long been the best part of his life.

Then he and Efsun had an accident. The moment he thought he was going to lose her, before he had a chance to tell her how he felt about her, kept coming back into his head. This is why he did not refute his friend's diagnosis that his nauseous reactions were psychological. The idea that the fear of being separated from Efsun was preventing him from fulfilling his life mission was slightly panicky. The worst part was feeling that it was right. He cared about her as much, if not more, than he cared about himself and that was a brand new sentiment in his life. And a dangerous one...
Because the possibility of her leaving was very real. He knew that their relationship was real too: it was perfect, but it was still burgeoning.. The intensity of his feelings for her took him by surprise. If he was now sure about them, he couldn't push for more. Her life was already so complicated, despite her best efforts.

"Stay at home with me" Emir had offered, not even measuring how big a step he was proposing her to take. It just felt natural. He realized they had spent every one of their nights together for more than a week now - some of them in the most uncomfortable positions and his back was starting to require a full night's rest upright on his hotel worthy mattress - but sleeping next to her felt like he was finally home.

Would he be able to overcome her leaving before his work suffers and his life falls apart?

Could he add to the weight she carries by offering to be her life partner when his life wasn't even in order yet?

Emir felt lost. He had to come clean, about everything. If he had a chance to convince her to stay, he had to try.

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