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I am going to narrate a small story on how we celebrated Janmashtami in our house with our family.

My pov

Today is a new morning. Is anything special today, I am seeing that all my didi's have woken up so early umm let me think ummmm.... yaaa got it !!! How can I forget today. Today is Janmashtami thats why I can see that my little brother who sleeps till late in the morning also has woken up early today.

All of my sisters and my bhaiya and didi are excited today. Not to include even meee tooo. But I can see someone is extra energetic and excited for today. Guess who ?? It's none other than mine little brother Parth.

I freshen myself and got downstairs to see the preparation for Janmastami. The whole house is in chaos. My Pari didi is making sweets and all other didis are helping her. At other side my bhaiya is decorating the house. My little sisters are cleaning up the place where we will keep the idol of Lord Krishna but amongst all of them I can see Parth is looking here and there. I went up to him and ask what happened was he looking for something ?? He nodded a no and went away from there. Then I noticed that there are 6 matkis of makkhan covered tightly. Okay so now I understand why Parth is looking here and there and when I approached him he got nervous. Then I started helping my brother with the decorations of the house.

After sometime when all the things got over we all gathered to worship Lord Krishna. His place was so beautifully decorated with flowers and white alpana and in the middle there sitting our Kanha in his swing. We have also dressed our little brother Parth as Kanha as he is surely the little Kanha of our family the most cutest and naughtiest kid in our family obviously after me.

We all closed our eyes and started praying. After offering our prayers when we open our eyes we all saw that Parth was missing from there and also one matki of makkhan is also missing. We all knew where will be the missing matki be. I told others that I will find Parth and went from there.

Parth's pov

Ufff after a long time I got to eat so much makkhan at a time. I thought that they will catch me and after that I will not get any makkhan but thankgod when they all were praying I feel that it's the time Parth common u can do this and slowly slowly I went there and picked up one matka and went from there without making any kind of noise and now I am sitting under Nia didi's bed and enjoying my yummy yummy makkhan. No one will ever find me now because they will first search for me in my room where I will be not present and by the time they will come in Nia dii's room I will finish all my makkhan. But how can I hear footsteps coming towards this room. No no this can't happen, this is not possible. Now what will happen ?? *biting nails*

My pov

I went to Parth's room to check for him but he is not present there. I stood there *keeping my index finger under my chin* as thinking that where he should be right now. If I go to everyone room and check for him then it will be very late. Eureka I got it !! He might be in my room as it is in the last of the corridor and no one specially goes there. So I went towards my room and as I went inside I say some makkhan is dropped in the floor. Hmm, so my guess is right our makhan-chor is hiding and eating his makkhan peacefully in my room.

I peeked under my bed and there I saw my innocent brother sitting and biting his nails with all makkhan smeared on his face. I faked an angry face and looked him. He is just looking so cute by making his eyes big big in fear that what I will do next to him. I told him to come out from his hiding place and he crawled out from under my bed and stood there with his head down fearing that he might get a good scolding or beating for his this mischief. I just smiled looking him, I so wanted to laugh out loud and just pinch his cute cheeks but I restrained myself from doing that. I asked him strictly that what he was doing in my room. He looked at me with eyes full of tears which will now fall if I would ask him another question and said I was just eating makkhan, you know na didi that I love makkhan so much that I could not control myself. I chided myself for asking him so strictly. I was literally feeling so sorry for my baccha. I just went from there. He looked at mine retreating figure as now he was more scared that I will call everyone and now he would get much more scolding than before.

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