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If I had a nickel every time I hyperfixated on a video game with characters based on cultural stereotypes, I'll have three nickels, which isn't a lot but weird it happened three times.

I recently started getting back into Street Fighter and its lore, so much so, that I'm starting to get fic ideas for it. And seeing the Street Fighter tags are surprisingly empty, I see fit to start my own one-shot book!

Just please note that it's only recently I have been making an effort in learning more about the lore and the characters, so please forgive me if something is off!

[Also please no Smash mention please - I'm kinda tired of hearing about it! Sorry!]

Basic Warnings

Canon typical violence and swearing. Anything that can be considered triggering will be stated before the fic starts.

Der damn' Rules

1. Leave a prompt, please. My brain is like an empty fishbowl and prompts really help me work faster.

2. They/Them pronouns for Readers! Unless stated otherwise. I do write for all pronouns, including neo-pronouns if asked. Just explain to me how to use them properly.

3. if a request makes me uncomfortable I won't be afraid to tell you so!

4. Family or platonic-based X Readers/ships are fine, just specify it if you want it!

I do write for: Trans and gay-themed one-shots, X Readers, Ships, headcanons, imagines, AUs [depends],

What I don't write for: Incest, Yanderes, Minor/Adult*, Teacher/Student, OCs [for now], NSFW stuff, S*icide, self-h*rm**, and just offensive stuff in general. Just don't be dicks. Simple as that.

*Even if the character is aged up, I still won't do it.

** Requesting a comfort fic about SH is fine, I just don't want to write someone actually doing it.

Key [More will be added as I write more fics] [p.s. please don't comment your personal info]

[Y/N]: Your First Name

[L/N]: Your Last Name

[HC]: just my personal headcanons about stuff, most of the time there goofy,

[Shitpost]: Funny or weird stuff that I wrote at four in the morning, Usually isn't edited,

Oneshots: Full-on Fic, usually capped off around 500-1000 words, does take longer to write [about a month or longer],

Imagine: Shorter than a one-shot and less story-driven, think like boyfriend scenario style fics, usually takes less time to finish [depending on how many characters/ships are requested].

<Hey! It's in another language and I don't want to use google translate!>

Now On To The Helpful Stuff

Interactive Fics: This is a web extension [Y/N] to your preferred name. On that note, it also changes pronouns to fit your own. Be warned, when you change the pronouns, it changes all the pronouns, whether they're talking about [Y/N] or not. [Also remember to turn it off when you're about to write,]

Dark Reader: This makes Wattpad go to dark mode for laptop readers! Just remember to turn it off whenever you go on a site that already has dark mode on. It gets pretty laggy when that happens but other than that, it works like a charm.

If you guys have any other helpful web extensions that'll make others reading more comfortable please let me know! I want to make sure everyone has an excellent time while reading fanfiction like these.


Author: Me, Matt/Moss, They/He/It, "Hey how ya doin'?"

Cover: pangotron from Tumblr,

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