Imagine; Being in a relationship with Vega

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Vega/Male! Reader

Warning; Unhealthy relationship, stalking,

Requested by Anon over on Tumblr!

Vega is interesting to me because he seems like a real Narcissus type - too focused on his own beauty to notice the beauty of others

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Vega is interesting to me because he seems like a real Narcissus type - too focused on his own beauty to notice the beauty of others. However, I imagine the idea of being in a relationship does interest him, no matter the gender of his possible partner (though he probably holds masculine figures to a higher degree). He's just under the assumption that no one is worthy of his affection. But when someone he deems worthy comes around, he isn't exactly sure how to act.

He turns into an obsessive little fucker. Once he meets someone as beautiful as him (a rare feat in itself) he just wants to learn every little detail about his future boyfriend (cause he already decided that he must be with you). He wants to know what your favorite colors are, your work schedule, places you like to visit - he finds the answers to his questions sooner or later. (how he gets this information is none of your concern.)

His love is very physical - kisses every inch of your skin, hands constantly on you, sweet whispers of his passion late into the night, all that good stuff. However, it is never forceful. He remembers clearly how his stepfather would force affection onto his mother, making her uncomfortable and he wishes to never cause that kind of pain to anyone (a simple swipe of his claws would do just fine in most cases). Say the word and he'll immediately stop what he was doing, finding new ways for his boyfriend to feel loved.

If I had to choose a love language for Vega it'll be a tie between physical touch and gift-giving. He loves buying you stuff he thinks you'll enjoy - peculiarly fancy clothing and accessories [such as tuxedos and perhaps jewelry if you wear them]. He just adores seeing his boyfriend in outfits he got specifically for him and - if you so agree - would show you whenever the two of you are out.

Vega is rather possessive and shows that in little subtle ways, some might even pass you if you aren't terribly observant. If someone was staring at you a bit too long for his liking, he might conventionally stand in front of you, blocking the person's view of you or if you're wearing something more relieving, his jacket - it is cold after all! He wouldn't want you to get sick! (Or to have to claw someone's eyes out later on) The only times Vega won't be so subtle is if somebody tries to flirt with you, that's when his jealousy starts to show up a little - being touchy/overly affectionate with his words, perhaps a passionate kiss if he knows you're alright with that. God forbid it if some poor idiot was to put their disgusting hands on you - he'll make sure their lives end quickly after that.

His ideal date is just going somewhere and showing you off - worshiping you like a God almost. I imagine Vega taking you out to an intricate bar or an elegant party and showing you off to anyone that lets him. Which yes can lead to the latter becoming overly protective. Though in most cases, a simple glare from him or him just simply mentioning the two of you are together most people will back off.

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