Imagine; Being in a relationship with Rose

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Rose/Gender-Neutral! Reader

Requested by megasoniccc over on Tumblr!

Despite many coming to her, asking about her visions of their love life, romantic relationships never seem to be an interest to Rose

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Despite many coming to her, asking about her visions of their love life, romantic relationships never seem to be an interest to Rose. Even as a little girl it never did, and she was fine with that, satisfied with being around students and friends. But if/when she did catch feelings with her future partner, she did not try to push them away, but rather accepted them. It's most likely that she confessed first as well, not liking keeping her feelings all bottled up.

Rose doesn't like being openly affectionate. No peculiar reason as to why, it simply made her uncomfortable. Even in private I imagine the most she'll do is soft, gentle kisses - merely sharing her personal space with someone is more than enough for her though she doesn't mind if her partner is mushier about that sort of stuff.

On the topic of kisses; Her kisses are, as mentioned before, soft and gentle. Usually, she kisses you on top of your head or shoulders, depending on how tall you are. If the both of you have some time to spare, when she kisses you on the lips, her hands are somewhere on your face, cupping your cute cheeks or playing with your hair. Though those kinds of kisses are rare.

While she's more than happy to give you tarot readings to help guide you from time to time, she much prefers if you come to her and ask for her own advice beforehand. You'll soon notice that Rose is an amazing listener and will often give advice she thinks will benefit you. Of course, she will still do the reading if you so choose, Rose just wants you to know that you can depend on her too!

If/when you ask about her visions that involve you, she simply smiles and tells you not to worry about it, that the moment is all the two of you need. Rose tries to keep her visions as vague as possible. Both the good and the bad. Even if they include you. If one of her visions predicts that harm will come your way she does everything in her power to try to avoid the worst possible outcome - she finds that if she attempts to stop her visions from ever happening, usually something worse comes out of it. So she tries to give you the softest landing she can provide when the moment comes.

Rose finds she much more enjoys a date that has a peaceful yet elegant atmosphere. Fancy restaurants, going to a library to read a book or two, and other similar ideas. She finds that leaves more of an opportunity to talk to one another, but she understands if her partner isn't in the mood for chatting, just fine busying herself with another activity and is happy to do so as long as she's near you.

 She finds that leaves more of an opportunity to talk to one another, but she understands if her partner isn't in the mood for chatting, just fine busying herself with another activity and is happy to do so as long as she's near you

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478 words

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