Chapter 14

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Alan and Charon decided to question the bartender first since he's the only person in the room who can see the whole scenario and the Raven most likely bought a drink from him in the least.

The bar was positioned right next to the entrance corridor.

Alan and Charon walked over to the bar and sat down.

There was a bartender behind the counter polishing glasses and setting them on the counter and under the counter. He was wearing a red full-sleeved shirt with a vest on top and suit pants.

'Can I get you, gentlemen, anything?' the bartender asked.

'Yes,' Alan said. 'Have you seen anyone suspicious lately, like in the last month or so? Anyone acting erratic and weird.'

'Why do you ask?'

'Well, we have a dead body in our morgue that says the killer visited a strip club and since there's only one strip club in town and that's where I'm pretty he couldn't go anywhere else to get strip club glitter.'

The bartender continued polishing glasses. 'Now that I think about yes. A guy usually comes in here every few weeks. A pretty skinny dude. Maybe in his thirties? I don't know. He just comes in here and drinks a few glasses and stares at the dancers creepily. Weirds me out all the time. The last time he came was about two weeks ago. He ordered a glass of whiskey as usual and sat there on the chair your friend is sitting for an hour looking at the dancers on the stage and those who took their clients to the private lounges for private dances.'

Alan pondered the bartender's description of the man. It was the same description as given by the mechanic at the auto shop. Maybe they had found their guy at last. Still, they needed to be sure.

'So he sat here and watched for an hour?' Charon said in amazement. 'Like he didn't even try to approach the stage or any of the dancers? Guess he had no balls.'

'It's not very good to badmouth people. You do know that you could've been just like that. It's no laughing matter if someone's shy. People commit suicide if it goes too bad.'

Charon opened his mouth as if he wanted to protest but decided not to and looked away which Alan appreciated.

'Enough.' Alan came in. 'Okay, do you know this person's name by the way?'

'Sorry brother. I tried to make conversation and talk to him several times but he just looks away and tries to ignore me. I feel sorry for him to be honest. I know what it's like to be shy and lonely.'

'Do you know what kind of car he drives?' Alan pulled out their phone and showed the bartender the picture of the car.

'Can't say. I work here most of the time behind the counter so I don't know. Never been out when he's here. Though I can ask the dancers.'

The bartender looked around and saw one of the dancers sitting on a chair probably tired from all the dancing.

'Hey Aria!' the bartender called out to her. 'Can you come here for a bit?'

The dancer Aria got up from the chair and jogged towards the counter.

'Hey, Jamie what's up.' Aria said and then she noticed Alan and Charon in their police uniforms. 'Am I in trouble or something?'

'Nah. You know the guy who sits here when he comes and does nothing but watch the dancers and drink whiskey?'

'You mean the creepy skinny dude who gives me the chills every time I look at him?'

'That's the one.'

'Yeah, I remember him.'

'Good. Our friend has some questions about him.'

'Is this his car?' Alan asked Aria and showed her the picture.

Aria looked at the picture for a minute and said, 'Yep. That's his car all right. I saw it a couple of times when I was leaving the club to go home.'

Alan raised his eyebrows. 'Really? Was there a cat paw print printed on the back window of the Toyota Wagon?'

'Mhm. But why are you so interested in that guy?'

'That guy is the Raven.'

Both the bartender Jamie and Aria looked at Alan with shock and then their expressions turned to that of fear.

'So all this time a killer was coming here?' Jamie said.

'Oh god, I knew he looked like a creep but I never thought he was the Raven.' Aria said.

'I'm guessing you have no security cameras inside here or around the club due to privacy?'

'No cameras.' Jamie said.

'Ok, can one of you help us draw a sketch of him?'

'I never really looked at him straight in the face for too long because he always creeped me out so sorry.' Aria apologized.

'I can help. He always sits here and orders a whiskey while watching the dancers for an hour. And since he's been coming for a long time I remember his face very clearly.'

'Thank you. Can you come with us? We'll call a sketch artist and you'll tell him the guy's facial features and how he looked like to the artist and the artist will try to draw the most resembling picture of him using your help.'

'Ok, I guess I can go. Aria get someone to take my place for a few hours. I'll be back hopefully.'

'Ok, Jamie. Good luck.' Aria agreed and hugged Jamie goodbye.

Alan, Charon, and Jamie exited the building and got into Charon's car.

'Ok Charon time to head to the police station.' Alan said.

'Alright.' Charon said. 'By the way Jamie how were you able to hug the dancer? Isn't there a strict no touching the dancers rule in strip clubs?'

'Oh, that? Yeah, the rule exists but it's no problem for me because I only see all the dancers who work there as sisters and the manager knows that as well.'

'And why's that?'

'I don't have a thing for women. I treat them like sisters. Men on the other hand are another thing altogether. You see my friend, I'm queer.'

Charon raised his eyebrows and looked at Jamie through the rearview mirror. 'Right. Thanks for letting us know.'

Alan looked out of the car window and at the sky. The sun was starting to go down leaving a red, orange, and yellowish hue in the sky.

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