Chapter 15

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Alan rode along with Charon and Jamie through the lit-up streets of Strasburg to the Strasburg Police Department while the sun was setting on this breaking day.

Jamie could help Alan and Charon sketch the possible Raven and if they could get a good sketch of it then they could scan the picture through their records to see if he had any criminal records throughout the years and if he did then they could get a concrete name and address and go catch him finally after seven long years.

Alan looked at the people walking around the streets and thought that these people might finally be safe after all of his years of hard work locking away the worst of the bad and killing the worst people he could find and catch in the town he grew up in. After all, this is over he's gonna take one last look at the town from the mountain and say goodbye forever.

Charon parked in front of the department building. Alan and Charon exited the car and helped Jamie get out of the car.

They went inside to one of the sketch rooms they had for situations when people could help the department sketch the culprits using the help of a professional sketch artist.

Alan had already called Maira to tell the department to get a professional sketch artist to the department building as soon as possible. It had been ten minutes since he had called her.

Alan told Charon to come with Jamie and take him to the sketch room while he went inside and located Maira and the artist.

Alan went inside and looked around the desks and break rooms until he found Maira standing in a hallway talking to a man who was holding a canvas and stand.

The man was wearing a white half-sleeved shirt with jeans and was wearing a cap on his head. He had a bag slung across his shoulders. He had a cleanly trimmed beard and grey eyes matching his hair and beard.

'Maira!' Alan called as he slowed down in front of them. 'Is he the sketch artist you called?'

'Yeah.' Maira replied. 'Meet Gillian. He's a professional sketch artist whose been helping the department for the last five years or so.'

Gillian extended his hand. 'Nice to meet you, sir.'

Alan shook Gillian's hand. 'Nice to meet you too. Our guy, Jamie, is here. Let's meet up in the sketch room.'

'Yes sir.'

Alan, Maira, and Gillian went to the sketch where Charon and Jamie were already waiting.

'Ok Gillian, you set up your equipment while we tell Jamie how this goes down.'

Gillian nodded and started to set up his canvas and stand and started to unpack his drawing instruments.

'Ok, Jamie listen to me.' Alan said. 'What you have to is simple. Tell him the features of the guy. Like how was the structure of his face, and how big was his nose? What color were his eyes, did he have any piercings or anything, all that stuff? Take all the time you need and go slowly. No need to rush. Tell Gillian the details very clearly and positively. If you're not sure of something or you don't quite remember it t tell him the closest thing you can remember. Don't be nervous. I know you can do it. We're counting on you. Understood?'

Jamie nodded his head. 'I will try my best. You can count on me.'

'Good now take a chair and sit down next to Gillian. We're gonna sit here against the wall and see the progress. Charon's gonna be back with cups of coffee for all of us. We're gonna be in this room for a while.'
                         •  •  •
After about half an hour of careful description and sketching Gillian, had finished sketching the possible Raven.

After making sure to Jamie that it was the exact person he had described or not Gillian turned the stand containing the canvas towards Alan and his colleagues to show them the sketch.

'Well here's the finished product.' Gillian declared. 'Our friend Jamie here says that's exactly what he looks like. Now all you have to do is search for him in your records.'

Alan looked at the sketch and studied it along with his colleagues.

The sketch was a bit colored as well so that increased the chances of them getting a solid match.

The man looked to be about in his early forties. He had green eyes as colored by Gillian. They had bushy eyebrows and small signs of facial hair. He had an earring on his left ear and a scar on his bottom right cheek which looked like a knife cut possibly. Gillian colored it as though the man's skin was pale and white devoid of any life and color.

'Are you positively, one hundred percent, sure this is him.' Alan asked Jamie.

'I saw him every time he came to the club and sat there for hours for years.' Jamie replied with confidence. 'I know that is him because I remember him that way the last time I saw him.'

Alan nodded. 'Thank you, Jamie, and you Gillian. Your contribution, in this case, has been the most appreciated so far. You have possibly helped us catch the Raven at last'

Gillian's eyes opened to full capacity. 'That's the Raven? The guy who's been preying on prostitutes and hookers for the last seven years? I drew a sketch of him?' Gillian looked at the sketch. 'Holy shit.'

'Thank you both for helping us.' Charon said. 'You may now leave. Goodbye and again thank you.'

Charon went along with Jamie and Gillian to accompany them to the exit.

Alan took the page with the sketch on it and gave it to Maira.
'Take this and scan it properly. See if we have any records of this guy. If there isn't any then we check the citizen records instead.'

Maira nodded and left the room with Alan behind her.

The time was now approaching. They would soon apprehend the Raven and put him behind bars for good though Alan knew with the crimes he had done death was the only option of punishment for him.

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