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"So that's it?

Arielle nodded.

"And the rings are here? With you? In this house?"

Arielle hesitated a bit before nodding slowly.

"Why haven't you sold them yet?"

"I don't know where to sell them right now."

He nodded slowly before snapping his fingers. "I know someone who knows someone that knows a jeweler." Arielle's brows furrowed in puzzlement. "Yeah, you can sell them today. If you want."

She looked at Andrew in uncertainty. "For real?"

He nodded before responding. "I can make those calls right now. Should I?"

She debated it for a while. She'd already sold the watch anyways, what was holding her back now?

"Please, make the call."

She watched Andrew talk to someone on the phone animatedly. From the look of things, he was really friendly with whoever it was as his laughter echoed through the room.

"She would be coming in to see the rings tomorrow. Is that okay?"

Arielle nodded. "Thank you very much. I'm beyond grateful." He shrugged it off.

"Damn, this is badass as fuck." He hollered like a mad man before he continued. "Your life is literally a movie. First, a mysterious regular drops a laundry hamper where you work, then you find a human hand with a lot of expensive jewelries in it, finally you steal the hand and live off the money from the sale of the jewelries." He laughed maniacally. "That's the type of shit that happens in the movies. You're living a movie type of life. Literally. Must be exciting."

She scowled at his sarcasm. "Idiot."

He barked out in laughter until he started coughing. She sighed and changed the television station. When he was done with laughing and coughing, he pulled her arm to gain her attention. "But what if you're wrong? What if he's not even looking for you and you're just going through all these stress for nothing?"

She tilted her head and narrowed her eyes at Andrew. "You can't be serious."

He shook his head. "I am. What if you're just worrying for nothing?"

"Bro, you can't be that stupid. If you were a killer and you misplaced the arm of someone you mutilated, you're trying to say you won't kill the person who took it?"

He shrugged. "What makes you certain that he knows it's you?"

She rubbed her temple in exasperation. "Because I 'suddenly' disappeared the day after that happened?"

"Ohhhhh." He nodded thoughtfully. "So it's your fault. You shouldn't have run away."

"And miss the opportunity of meeting a total moron like you? Never. I wouldn't miss it for the world."

Andrew chuckled. "I'm purposely going to ignore the sarcasm but yes, I am special. Babe thinks so too." He wiggled his brows suggestively and she whacked his head.

She grunted in mild disgust. "Shut up please." Andrew laughed at her words.

"Never. You're just jealous I have a rich boyfriend who's so in love with me and I get crazy sex all the time."

She scrunched her face in confusion. "That is not even true."

"Oh, it is. I get crazy sex all the time. My boyfriend is a sex freak and loves doing the nastiest of things." He ignored her horrified look and whispered conspiratorially. "He has protruding canines and whenever he drags his tongue across it, it's so fucking sexy. And whenever he's pleased, he always scratches the scar on this eyebrow.Whenever he laughs, he sounds like a cartoon villain. He loves when I trace the tattoos on his body, he's tatted every fucking where. He also loves being called Sire. Some British kink."

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