C H A P T E R 3 : The Man in Black

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A crash on the roof of the bus made the group scream in terror. Titan remained unmoving and now that the interior was damaged, the vehicle couldn't move any longer and we were locked inside.

Now it was apparent that we were in quite the predicament, especially since the flaming villain is only a few dozen meters away from us. We started to break the glass in order to get out when we heard Titan throw himself back to the ground.

He looked extremely beaten up but he continued to stay in the frontline while we waited for more backup. The others seemed too engrossed in the fight, when I noticed the villain's rather sluggish movement. It seemed like he was dragging his feet against the pavement.

Did he sprain his leg?

"Quickly now! Break the glass so we can get of here!" One of my coworkers rushed and the others started to throw any hard object they acquire at the hard-glass windows. I started banging my glass with the bus's keys when Titan crashed directly on the side of the bus, effectively throwing us all to the ground.

I gazed at my scraped leg that started to form blood on the sights, just as my vision went hazy at the brutal force we were just subjected to.

"B-blood," I whispered in a panic.

Blurry figures entered my field of vision and it took me a minute to recognize Ms. Jones and the others frantically crawling away from the scene, their cameras completely forgotten.

I started to limp towards the other direction when my heart suddenly pounded in my chest and I had to stop walking in pain. The villain could be seen clearly in my position but I was lucky enough to be hidden by a bunch of barren cars.

He continued to wreck havoc on the establishment and set people aflame. It was truly a gruesome sight, their burnt bodies immediately dropped to the ground and I knew there wasn't an ounce of life left in them.

It was taken away by this horrible being.

The villain continued to drag his feet on the ground when I felt a chill suddenly wash over me. It was like I could sense something that didn't feel right about this villain, besides from his incessant killing.

His aura seemed...off.

My thoughts run its course when a car was thrown my way and I could only do my best to cover my head with my arms. Now, the villain had me in his sights and my whole body started to shake voluntarily.

I couldn't look at him and tried to crawl my way back to where it's safe. Sweat dripped down my forehead as I scraped the ground in desperation. "Please..."

I closed my eyes waiting for impending doom when a few minutes came and nothing happened. I tried to wait with my eyes close but when I decided to take a peak, a figure suddenly landed on the ground, the force blowing me and the others away a few meters back.

I crashed on hard cement, and I just knew then that some of my bones may have been broken, if not already. The people standing started to stare at this new savior when they suddenly choked and collapsed to the ground, sputtering out...blood?

Turning my gaze to the others, they too immediately began to vomit out blood when my nose started to hurt, badly. I glanced at the figure who arrived, his bloodlust making the people in the vicinity stand frozen in fear and pain.

If this keeps up he'll kill us all!

My insides felt like they wanted to turn inside out and I could barely keep my vision up to see what was transpiring in front of me. I collapsed to the ground and could see the villain start to attack this unknown man dressed in black.

Then he did the most dumbfounding thing ever.

He grabbed the blazing man by the throat not being bothered by the flames that started to enrapture him and quickly tightened his hold so much that the villain was instantly scratching at his arms.

My senses no longer felt like they were burning and I managed to stand up once more when a pulse transverse throughout my body and I looked at the villain.

His heat signature suddenly turned for worse, melting everything in a mile of distance and the people passed out beside me started to burst out in flames causing another wave of panic among onlookers

"Run!" I yelled at the unknown man, fearing for his life.

The villain started to light up gearing himself to explode when everything turned black.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2022 ⏰

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