Trick or Treat, Freak

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Dannie held her finger up to her lips as she and El snuck into the kitchen as Hopper made breakfast. He turned to grab the plates before jumping as he spied El standing behind him with a sheet over her body and two eyes cut in the front.

"Jesus," he let out as Dannie laughed behind the younger girl.

"Ghost," El said.

"Yeah, I see that."


"Sure is. But right now, it's breakfast, okay?" he said as he plated the food. "Come on. Let's eat." Dannie grabbed the plates and walked over to the table, setting them down before grabbing the orange juice out of the fridge.

"They wouldn't see me."

"Who wouldn't see you?"

"The bad men." Dannie looked up from pouring the drinks.

"What are you talking about?" Hopper asked.

"Trick or treat."

He didn't say anything for a minute, looking over at Dannie before back at El. "You want to go trick or treating?" El nodded. "Was this your idea?" he asked his daughter.

She shook her head. "No. I just-"

"You know the rules," Hopper looked back at El.

"Yes, but-"

"Yeah, so you know the rules."

"No, but they wouldn't see me."

"I don't care," he said, raising his voice a bit.

"But they wouldn't see me."

"I don't care, alright? You go out there, ghost or not, it's a risk. We don't take risks. Alright? They're stupid and..."

"We're not stupid," she finished angrily.

"Exactly," he continued after a moment. "Now you take that off, sit down and eat. Your food's getting cold." El pulled the sheet off and threw it on the floor before sitting down as Dannie and Hopper did the same. The table was silent as the syrup was passed and they started to eat. "Alright, how about I get off early tonight and I buy us a bunch of candy and we can sit around and get fat and we can watch a scary movie together?" Hopper tried. "How's that for a compromise?"

"C- Compromise?" El stuttered.

"'C' 'O' 'M' promise. Compromise. How about that's your word for the day, yeah? It's like something that's kinda in between. It's like halfway happy."

"It's an agreement between people where they each give something up, but agree," Dannie explained and El nodded.

"By five one five?" she asked Hopper.

"5:15. Yeah. Sure."


"Yes. I promise."

"Halfway happy," she nodded before eating and Hopper ruffled her hair that was growing back in. Dannie smiled at the two, life seeming a little normal for once.


Dannie looked out her window as she heard a car horn, seeing Jonathan's car out front. She walked outside as he rolled his window down.

"You're, like, three hours early."

"I decided to let Will go trick or treating on his own."

Her eyes widened. "Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"He doesn't need to be babied. Besides, he's with his friends." She slowly nodded. "You ready to go to the party?"

"Do I look ready?" she asked. "Give me five minutes." She went back inside before coming out in a homemade witch costume. Her dress was a medieval style off the shoulder purple with a black corset and hat. "Where's your costume?" she asked as she got into the car.

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