Ladies Night

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Music pounded through Hermione's blood stream, making her nerves sing along to the funk beats that traipsed through her system, as soon as she stepped into The Dragon's Den. Warm brown eyes searching the crowd, Hermione's gaze landed on her best friend who was currently plopped down on a man's lap, running her slim fingers through his already disheveled hair. Working her way through the throng of dancing bodies, hips swaying in such an enticing manner as to catch his eyes, she approached the booth her friends occupied and slid into it.

"Mione!" Pansy shot up, back ramrod straight, making Harry hiss as she put pressure on an overly sensitive part of his lap. "You made it!"

Hermione laughed, throwing her head back with the movement, her gold hoop earrings swaying against her arched neck, "Of course I made it, when have I ever missed Ladies Night? Did you already partake in some extras?"

Even though the lot of them had been in America for years due to university, none of them could shake some of their British mannerisms, making them the outsiders at events such as these. She couldn't wait to return to England for grad-school, even though she'd miss the bookstore she worked at.

That would change tonight, of course, but Hermione Granger had no way of knowing someone would go out of their way to include her in a way she was rarely included before. More than just a quick blow job in a car, or a napkin with her number sprawled on it that would later be thrown away. No, tonight would be different.

As the three friends wandered off to the bathroom, met up with an absurdly red headed man who was well on his way to being drunk, Draco Malfoy watched with his frozen stare, one side of his mouth quirked into a rare smile.

"Oi, mate, what's got you making that face?" His closest friend and confidant, Theo, slammed a cocktail down in front of him before sliding into the booth across from him, eyes trying to track what had his attention.

The only thing he could discern was a perfectly shaped afro, chocolate skin, incredible hips sheathed in high waisted black flares and the unmistakable glint of gold earrings, before whoever it was ducked into a doorway and disappeared.

"Who's that?"

"Absolutely no idea, but I'm going to find out," Draco winked over the rim of his glass.

As soon as the small group entered the dance floor, the scent of reefer lingering on their skin, Theo tried to pull his friend towards them.


The word was spoken in a low tone, only audible to Theo, who canted an eyebrow but didn't argue.

They watched as Hermione lost herself to the music, dancing with her pale skinned companion, who was sandwiched between the unimaginable beauty and a man with glasses and wild hair. They moved their hips, dipping their heads towards each other as their hands entwined and lifted above their heads. The man's hand never strayed from the pale girl's hips, but he exchanged words with the dark skinned woman, in a comfortable gesture that made it obvious they were old friends.

"Mione, you've got an admirer," Harry was careful not to draw attention to the fact that they were aware, but darted his glance towards the dark booth.

"Ron?" Hermione asked, breathless from the endless sway of her body.

"What? No, that guy over there," Harry forced out, dutifully ignoring the sudden urgency that his girlfriend was putting into her movements, toying with him on the dancefloor. "Pans, quit or I swear I'll drag you back to the bathroom."

The woman giggled, giving Hermione the opportunity to spare a glance towards the booth. Quite honestly, the only thing she could make out was a set of ivory colored hands against a black suit and a pair of striking silver eyes. It was unsettling, but the unmistakable lure of curiosity made a heat pool in her abdomen.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2022 ⏰

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