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Its been more than a week since my near fall to oblivion ne embarass, and I have seen him thrice. NO, I am not stalking him, but my eyes can't help but look for him when he boards the bus, which is the stop next to my own. He really seems to like black, or he doesn like to wash clothes. But either way, He does look at me. Our eyes connect and he is the one who breaks the eye contact.

Meanwhile college is the same. I did tell my newly made friend Sana about her, My school friends all left to follow different paths, none of which conjoin mine which to some extent is both good and bad. Good, as in the past will not follow me,and bad as in, I lost the understanding I had with them. 

So, Sana has this really cute story of how she met her boyfriend. She is relly pretty with green eyes, with a white complexion to complement her long brown hair, and a great figure. Next to her, I look like a plain jane. My own eyes are black and I have the worst upper jaw that even braces could not fix, and no figure, just kidding, I have been described as chubby, which for some reason reminds of those chushy pigs I saw at the farm once. My hair is something of a bad case of broom hair that does  not go well with my wheatish complexion. Sometimes I wish I had curly hair, and mostly I wish I was thinner. Some two guys whom I liked back in school have been heard describing me as an older sister figure, emphasis on the figure. In plain words they thought I was fat, which is kinda true, but it still hurts. I have always been the one people ask about for my prettier friends, and don't get me wrong, I am certainly not jealous of them, but sometimes it hurts bad.

Since I was a kid I have been insecure and want attention. I have been the star kid at home, but at school it was a different story. From being bullied  to being ignored, I have seen it all and sometimes it gets a lttle too much. My nature of wanting to be loved and looked at is pretty stupid, considering I never pay attention to being any of those. I am just plain lazy.

I get on the bus again, and today it is relatively empty. The sky is overcast, and most people carry umbrellas. I have one too, cause my mom insists on carrying umbrellas at all times. I hae never seen another person be so adamant on not getting wet in the rain, but I respect her wishes and carry one always.

The next stop and he is here, wearing black as usual, but today he looks particularly handsome. i note this. His eyes seem to search me. Nah, he was looking for an empty seat, and he sits in front of me.

He did look at me once though. I continue reading The Prince, by Machiavelli. I try not to get completely absorbed by it, lest I miss my stop, so I pragmatically stop before my stop.

i ge down, and it starts raining. I get to the waiting area on the busstop quick enough, and start rummaging through my bag for the umbrella I usually have, a small one person accomodater with purple backdrop and blue an dyello flowers. Its there, I know. Being a messy person looking for anything in my bag is impossible.

Aha, there it is. I take it out and open it when someone put a hand on my shoulder. I quickly turn back, and I see him. I look at his hand on my shoulder and then at him. He removes it quickly and then says,"Do you have am unbrella?".

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