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What kind of stupid question is that. 


He looks a bit embarresed. Then, he says,"Do you mind if I share it with you, We are going to the same place."

Wait did he just ask me to share an umbrella. What should I say, all the books I read, all those romances that have an awesome start this way, and I stand speechless here.

"You don't have to, obviously." and he turns around as if to leave.

"No" Gods in heavens above, I sound desperate. Calm down, Aya.

"You, I mean, we can share."

Where is my calm demenour self when I need it. Oh wait, I don't have a calm demeanor self. Honestly, his rather nice self for helping me ther other day feels kinda nice. Plus the fact that he helped me the other day makes me feel obligated to him for some reason. I don't like owning to people. If he hadn't helped me, I might have hesitated a bit, but just  the reason that he helped me out the other day, was nice. I may not be the nicest person, but helping someone makes me feel better about myself.

He takes it upon himself to hold the umbrella, he is taller, and by the unwritten laws of umbrella sharing, if is complusary for the taller person to hold the umbrella. As a law abiding and the taller person, he holds it, and for my one person accomodator, we have to stick close.

We walk for about a minute or to in silence, the most awkward silence i have faced since that one time I spilled, not the correct word, deliberately sprayed ink on Priti's sweater just because she had stained my sweater with... never mind, I don't necessarily remember what she did, but i sure as hell remember what I did. She remembers what I did too. I used waterproof ink. I hope her guilty mind remembers what she did, just like mine does. I wonder sometimes how everyone else's minds work. I have never known that.

"My name is Neel, like the blue dye, or the sky"

He said that. I almost didn't hear him. This is the part when you are supposed to say your name. But my brain is busy staring in his beautiful eyes. Stop dancing, I have to tell myeslf when a miniature me is reading a romance novel in my brain.

He raises hsi eyebrows. Okay, now I am behaving like a dimwit.. "I am Aya."

I decide not to give my last name, cause he didn't give his. "So, Aya, you here to study."

"No, I come here to waste my time. Of course."

"What department are you?" he asks.

I say quickly,"The Law department" 

I didn't ak the standard, "What about you" I feel like someone has held my tongue. Honestly the words of heart attack, never mad sense, but Demi's voice my head, never felt so clear. I need my brain to focus.

"I am from the commerce department'

Okay. I didn't even say that. 

I just nodded. I am normally a pretty normal, talkative person, but today, all my powers are lost like napthalene balls in cupboard. A weird comparison, but okay.

"So, Aya, Are you normally a reserved person, or do you share a special dislike towards me."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2022 ⏰

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