Battle Stations

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Bella P.O.V

Without word I gladly handed over Edwards ear. It was wigging me out slightly to touch it if I were being honest.

Damon had been right – unsurprisingly, though annoyingly – Bonnie had worked her magic juju and the Cold Ones weren't able to come inside the house. A weight I hadn't realised that I'd been carrying had lifted off my shoulders as Carlisle had tried to follow me into the house but couldn't. My family were safe form the things that were hunting me. They wouldn't get hurt because of me now. Or at least not while they were at home. Bonnie was getting the best Christmas present I could find.

Esme and Carlisle both thanked me as I handed off the appendage before grabbing Emmett – literally – from where he had stood with Damon and promptly left.

"What was that about?" I asked Damon while sitting myself down onto the porch swing. It was a nice crisp night, I would need more layers to stay out for long, but it was calm and comforting, I'd enjoy the still night for a little.

"Not a clue." Damon frowned in thought as he came to join me.

"I had a really good time tonight. Before the ex-drama I mean. Thank you."

"Hmmm..." Damon gave me a small smile, wrapped one of his arms around me and pulled me, gently, into his side. I was a perfect fit.

I could never get over how safe and right I felt with Damon. He never made me feel less than him or inferior. Though I knew we'd never be equals – he was after all a member of a species that was, by nature, superior to my own – he didn't flaunt that. Didn't make me feel less than him. No, on the contrary, Damon made me feel right for being me.

We sat together in silence for a while. Just content to sit and enjoy the night together side by side in quiet. The peace was only broken by Alaric returning home with a small bag of groceries.

"What are you guys doing here? I thought you were having a meal together?" Alaric said before smirking, a glint in his eyes. "Let me guess. Damon burnt the meal? So you came home for some real food?"

"Very funny Uncle Alaric." Damon smirked right back.

"No the meal was delicious." I stepped in before they sniped at each other anymore. For friends you think they'd be nicer to each other. Then again this was one of Damon's friendships. "I had to come back to give Carlisle and Esme Edward's ear."

"There is no way that will ever not be weird." Ric said with a tiny shudder. "Was everything okay?"

"Yeah fine." I smiled at the concern in his voice.

"Cool." Ric said after glancing at Damon, probably to make sure I was telling the truth. "Jenna, Jeremy and me were going to watch a B rate horror if... er... you two want to join us?"

I looked to Damon who rolled his eyes at me. "What do you want to do Klutz?"

"I wouldn't mind watching I also wouldn't mind sitting out here with you." I replied honestly.

"Fine we'll watch the scary movie. Don't worry Klutz, if it get's too scary I'll hold your hand." Damon smirked pulling me to my feet as he stood.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Damon and Bella sat together in an overlarge armchair watching the movie. To say that Ric had called it a B rate it was pretty good. Paranormal something or other. Damon had almost jumped a time or two himself. Almost. His Klutz though did jump. And every time that she did she pulled herself tighter into him. He was enjoying it immensely, especially as the pretty blue top she was wearing was rather low cut. Maybe he should invest in some more horrors Damon pondered to himself. If it hadn't been for those sparkling fuckwits earlier, he was sure he would have got underneath that top properly as well. Second base at the very least.

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