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The drive to the cafe Winter mentioned was full of moments. Karina didn't know that being with Winter herself actually was pretty fun. Despite the annoyance she had towards her boss, every time she spent with Winter was mostly full of fun.

Winter suddenly tells her the story when she was in kindergarten. She used to love colouring and drawing, but a boy just confessed to Winter full of honesty, saying that her coloring and her drawing looks like a crap. Since then, Winter never like to do it again.

Kindergarten Winter sure is sensitive, Karina laughs.

Winter also shared a story of her in primary school when she hit her knee onto a rock, and her knee was split open. Luckily, Winter's mother was a doctor. She's the one who treated the injury for her.

Winter tells Karina various kind of story about her in kindergarten and in primary school. She never mention any story in her high school, nor about her father. Karina wonders for a moment, but have no guts to ask why.

Nevertheless, the car ride was full of laughter from both of 'em, and Karina enjoy it to her fullest.

When they arrived at the cafe, Winter ordered some kind of weird name sandwiches and drinks. She told Karina that she'll like it, and Karina trust her words. When Winter pulled out her black card to pay for their food, Karina pulled her own black card, insisting to pay for it.

"No, Karina. I'll pay", Winter said and Karina shakes her head hard, still insisting to do so.

"This time I'll pay. You've done a lot of things for me already, Winter. Let me at least repay your kindness once".

Karina words, tone and expression were enough for Winter to concede defeats. At the end, she let Karina pay and they took the buzzer from the counter towards their table.

Winter then trying to start a conversation.

"Tell me more about yourself. Your schools and stuffs~".

And Karina didn't mind to answer her request at all.

"There's nothing much to say about me. Despite how rich my family is, I go to a normal kindergarten like any other normal family. I go to a normal primary school, high school, entered Cambridge in business major, then back to Korea and become your top floor cleaner".

Winter nodded her head happily after get to know more about Karina. In Winter's mind, she wants to know everything about Karina, because Winter thought she was ready for her years plan. Karina was the one she's searching for, and Winter want to wait a bit more until she can conclude everything.

"Is college's life fun? Sorry for asking, but I've never enter college. So I don't know that well", Winter said and it took Karina by surprise again.

"You didn't enter college?".

"Yeah. I need to become the company CEO since I'm 17. I don't have time to go to college", Winter huffed and shaking her head lightly, and it makes Karina wondering even more.

Their buzzer vibrates, telling them that their food is ready. Winter smiles once at Karina before take the buzzer away from their table.

"I'll take it", Winter stood up.

"Thank you", and Karina smiled back.


Back at the company, Winter wasn't lying with her words. As soon as she step inside her office, Ningning reminded her that they'll need to meet their investors in 10 minutes. Winter nodded her head understanding and Karina excused herself to do her job.

Not until Winter suddenly held her by her arm.

"If you're tired, you can have a rest in my office. Treat it like yours", Winter smiled and Karina could only nodding her head without saying anything. She was too stunned with everything right now.

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