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It took 10 minutes for the meds to do its magic. Karina still stroking Winter's head gently, mouth hushing soft words and Karina kept looking forward, did not realize that Winter is already fine and now watching her from Karina's lap.

Everything on Karina's face was just breathtaking. Her cat eyes, her dark brown orbs, her sharp nose, her sharp jaw, to her small lips.

Winter wanted to kiss that lips again.

Not to mention how the older girl just ran her shit out, coming here for Winter when Winter knew that the girl was 8 kilometres away from her. Winter heart just wanted more from this silhouette.


Karina shifted her eyes below her, looking at Winter who was still lying on her lap, now smiling warmly at her and Karina couldn't help but to smile back. "You're fine now?"

Winter just nodded her head lightly, still showing her warm smile towards the older girl. How can she not fall even deeper for this woman? Getting to know Karina for a month shows a lot, and Winter want it to be Karina.

"Thank you, Rina. I owe you a lot", Winter smiled.

"I'm worried shit about you, Winter. How in the damn world you didn't bring your meds when you knew you had medical needs at random times?", Karina nags and Winter find that version of Karina was too cute to ignore. So, the younger girl keep smiling.

"I did bring a bottle with me, but I didn't realize it's already empty. I'm so sorry for making you worried", Winter said as she finally pulled up her head from Karina's lap, now sitting right next to her.

"Forgiven", Karina answered but not convincing enough for Winter.

Winter scoffed once before bending her body slightly towards Karina, her face now facing Karina's and crashing her lips with Karina's just for a few second. Karina was surprised and she didn't even have time to do anything about it. But it doesn't mean she need to be mad about it.

"Thank you, Rina. I meant it", Winter said with her smile.

"You said that words too many times, you know?", Karina asked.

"I know", Winter answered, looking straight into Karina's beautiful dark brown orbs, mesmerising every beautiful view in front of her with a smile before she asked her questions. "Did you just panic when I called you?"

"Hell yeah"

"You came here by taxi?"

"No. I asked my dad for a driver. I've had no time for taxi"

"And you ran here, upstairs, to find me?"

"Yes. Winter, why are you asking too much questions?", Karina groaned before rolling her eyes as she tried to stand up from where they were sitting.

"Will you be my girlfriend, then?"

Winter's question took Karina by surprise. Hey eyes wide open, turning her head to her left, looking at Winter who still sitting on the floor. She thought the younger woman might be joking with her right now, but Winter's expression tells otherwise.

Winter's eyes are looking at her, lit up full of hope, warm and cozy. Her mouth slightly formed into a small trembling smile, like she was nervous with her own question. The way she sit almost like she was begging, but wasn't clearly a beg.

Winter wanted her, and Karina could tell.

"W-Winter... I...", Karina stuttered.

"B-But we... You are- my boss...", she continued.

Winter stand up as well, now facing Karina as her hands both holding Karina on her arms. Eyes looking at Karina deep, and Karina can't help but to feel butterflies in her stomach.

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