(Episode 8) Chapter 35

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-- December 04, 2018, 07:00 PM --

--48 Gyeonggang-ro, Namyangju-si, Gyeonggi-do --

"I think we're here." Jaesuk told the women as he observed the buildings around them and the map.

"We're here." Sunmi confirmed as she looked at the map as well.

"Is this the hideout? I think it is." Sejeong said as Jaesuk made a series of turns before stopping the car and parking it.

"Let's go. Ladies, it might be dangerous so be on your guard, okay?" Jaesuk reminded them as he and the girls got out of the car. They entered the door cautiously with Jaesuk in front. As they rounded the corner, they saw Nako and Eunbi tied to chairs and the manager sitting there as if waiting for someone.

"Help!" Eunbi and Nako cried out.

"Look." Jaesuk said as he saw the scene in front of him.

"Help!" The girls were still crying out.

"They're there." Sehun stated.

"Nako and Eunbi." Jaesuk moved forward but the manager rushed out of his seat to stand up.

"Mr. Lee." Jongmin called the manager.

"That's the manager." Jaesuk recognized the man this morning.

"How did you find this place?" The manager asked in shock.

"Wait. Mr. Lee. What is your problem?" Jaesuk immediately moved forward to overwhelm the manager, giving the others a chance to untie the scared idols.

"Are you okay?" Sejeong asked them both as she and Minyoung got to work on their bindings first. Sunmi moved to assist Jaesuk with the kidnapper just in case.

"Even if you're angry, this is wrong." Jaesuk told him as he held the manager's shirt, Sunmi backed him up but Sehun pulled her behind him and volunteered to hold the manager instead.

"Are you okay?" There was a commotion as the ropes were hard to untie and the rest moved as fast as they could to release the girls.

"No." Both girls answered, obviously shaken.

"I thought you guys were at the studio." Jaesuk spoke to them, trying to keep them calm.

"Exactly. Goodness. We were so worried." Jongmin stated as they were finally able to take the rope off both girls.

"What's your problem?" Jaesuk said as Sehun made the manager sit on the chair instead.


"You jerk. I get that you were angry, but how could you.." Jaesuk ranted.

"Seriously." The rest of the detectives agreed. Sunmi focused on the two girls.

"Here, have some water. And move further away from there." She presented a water bottle to the girls and guided them a little further from the manager.

"Can we please leave? We were so scared. We don't want to be in the same space as him." Eunbi clung to Sunmi and spoke for both her and Nako. Nako followed her leader and ended up clinging onto Sunmi as well.

"First... Come over here." Jaesuk guided them further away from the manager.

"We're detectives, so it's okay." Jongmin reassured the girls as they walked with Sunmi in between them.

"The cops are here." Jaewook pointed out as they entered the scene. Sunmi, Jongmin and Jaesuk led the girls out first, where they saw another manager waiting anxiously with other officers.

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