Y/ns pov
I woke up in a dark room, laying around the back part of a mattress..my vision was blurry still but I noticed finney wasn't in the same room
I sat up on my mattress and a door suddenly creaked open and a guy in a white mask came down, carrying finn in his arms
He threw finney down onto the mattress "I should snap your neck for what you did to my arm" he whispered to finn...I then noticed a giant cut in the guys arm
He crouched down to finney and lifted up his arm "See this shit? It looks like a killed someone"
Suddenly his head turned towards me "and you, you bit me and now it looks like I got in a fight with a rabid dog"
He turned to finn again and stared at him "I know your scared...I'm not gonna hurt you, what I said about snapping your neck...I was just angry" He whispered
"You don't have to be scared because nothings gonna happen down here" He said standing up again
"You like soda? I'll go get you a soda and then..." Suddenly a phone started ringing
"I'll go see who it is, then I'll get you a soda" He said turning around and leaving, looks like the door leads to some stairs
Once he leaves he closes over the door loudly and I hear his loud footsteps walking around
"Finn? Finney you all good?" I turn around to finney as he moves off the mattress, looking around confused
Finn turned around at the sound of My voice and quickly went over to the mattress and sat beside me
"How'd he get you too" He asked looking over to Me as he puts his hands on his knees
"I stopped running for a second..I saw what you did to that dickheads arm too, robin would've been proud" I answered and finney looked over to the door
"Do you think we could get out?" He said staring at the door, I think he's about to go try open it until a phone starts ringing
I notice the sound coming from a black phone that was on the wall..weird that the grabber would keep a phone down here
I quickly left the mattress and went over to the phone, picking it up and putting it to my ear in hope someone other than the grabber would be on the other end
I didn't notice until finn came over beside me but the door suddenly opened and the grabber was standing in the doorway
"It doesn't work" He said quietly staring at the both of us "hang it up" He said as finn stepped back slightly
"I know you're scared and want to go home..I'll take you both home soon..." He said, pausing then continuing to speak "its just that..things are all fucked up"
He continued to stand in the doorway, staring at us both without really moving "I got to be upstairs for awhile...somethings come up"
"What?" Finn said quietly as the guy shifted his footing slightly, still staring for some reason
"Never mind what" his voice quickly got more serious than it was before, before his voice was weird but now he was just trying to be intimidating
"Did someone see what you done? Are the police coming to get us?" I asked, walking closer to the freaky fucker
"If you let us go now we promise we won't say anything, right y/n?" Finney said trying to convince the guy to let us leave
The weirdo laughed "It's not the police" He said quietly again, his tone shifting from the more intimidating one to a calmer one
"But it's someone right? Not just a dog or something like that?" I asked and the grabber stayed silent
"If someone's coming then we'll just scream" I said and saw finney nodding in agreement
The grabber laughed again "nobody can hear you, not with the door shut" He said and his hands shifted to the door "I sound-proofed it myself"
He paused again
"So shout if you like, it won't bother anyone""You're the one who killed the others" Finney randomly said walking up beside me
"That wasn't me, that was someone else" The grabber said..how the hell was he still staring at the both of us
"I'll never make you do anything you wont.." God he's so fucking weird.."If you try and touch me I'll scratch you face." Finney said looking over to the grabber and he laughed
"This face?" He said touching the freaky mask he was wearing...why did he need to wear a mask like that
"Hang up the phone now" He said as his eyes shifted to me while I still held the phone tightly in my hand
"I was down here once when it rang...creepiest damn thing" He said..jeez it sounded like he was either trying to hold in another laugh
"I think it's static electricity that does it, it went off when I was right beside it. I picked it up without thinking" He paused for a second "to see if anyone was there"...why would it have rang if the grabber was down here?
"Was there anyone?" Finney asked and thr grabber quickly shook his head and said no before quickly turning around and leaving
I set back the phone as I watched finn walk closer to the door and start yelling for help, like someone would come help him
After yelling for awhile he looked around and noticed a window sort of thing, placed really High
He spent the next while trying to jump up and get to it while I stood beside the phone, pressing buttons on it in hope it would randomly start working
He runs over to the mattress and looks under it then tries to pull it...what the hell if he doing
"What are you doing finn?" I asked as he gave up and looked back to that window
"If anyone could've broke that window they would have, robin would've done it" finn said still looking up to the window
My thoughts drifted to another missing kid, 'pinball' vance hopper, how the fuck did he not destroy that whole window
Finn sits back down on the mattress and starts talking to himself "I'm not getting out of here"
I'm about to go over and try comfort him until the phone starts ringing again and I pick up the phone, with finn getting up and walking over to the phone
"Hello? Is anyone there?" I said putting the phone to my ear while finney watched nervously, glancing back at the door a couple times
We both stand at the phone waiting to see if there was a reply, but there was nothing so I ended up hanging up the phone
1162 words total
Survival || The black phone + male reader insert || Tbp
FanfictionGAY GAY GAY anyway instead of gettang therapy I'm making another fanfiction hehee