chapter 1 a fresh start

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Dear Diary, it's the first day of school im excited but nervous at the same time. It's the same school my mom went to. "Jay, it's time for school", my dad said. I ran down  stairs , ate my breakfast and headed to school. But when I walked in some kids stared at my shoes. I didn't know why so I just kept walking, then I saw my classroom and went inside. I took a seat and class began but something i noticed was that this one girl wouldn't stop looking at my shoes.  "Is something wrong I asked" and she just looked away. I was so confused why everyone was looking at my shoes. Then I heard my teacher say "Line up everyone, it's time for recess." We all got in a line and went to recess. I was just swinging on the swings and the girl from earlier came up to me. And that's when she said "Why are you wearing purple and pink shoes with butterflies on them?" Well they were my moms shoes when she was a kid they were her favorite pair. I said "but they're girl shoes and you're a boy". "Well why does that matter just because im a boy doesn't mean i can't wear a certain color of shoe". "BUT THEY'RE GIRL SHOES!" She wouldn't stop yelling over and over again THEY'RE GIRL SHOES THEY'RE GIRL SHOES is all she would say like she was trying to make mad. I just sat there and did nothing. I just waited until she ran out of breath. Then the whistle blew and we went back inside. The girl was very angry i did nothing about what she said. I don't know why though? what im i supposed to do say "oh know you made fun of my shoes, I'm Soooo offended" no there's no point in wasting my breath on you. After that I heard the loud speaker call my name and told me to come to the office. I walked down there and this woman greeted me with a smile. She told me to follow her and I did so. She told me to take a seat and that's when I saw it. The girl, she was in the other seat! Then the woman asked so what happened? I was so confused at this point. Then the girl said "HE'S WEARING GIRL SHOES AND HE'S A BOY THAT'S NOT ALOUD!" Then the woman said "so you called me for this." "But he's wearing GIRL shoes." Said the girl. Then the woman said "well why does that matter?" The girl started screaming and ran out of the office. "I'm so sorry," the woman said. "It's ok mrs can i go back to class?" I said. "Oh yes of course." Said the woman. I headed back to class and took a seat, but I couldn't stop looking at the clock waiting for the day to be over.

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