Chapter 1~The sickness

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Cough,Cough, Cough I spluttered through the icy whips of the wind trying to keep myself warm in the demolished, crumbling ruins of the house as it leaned and tipped, creaking with every blow of the aggressive winds outside. The thin fleece blanket that was draped around my shoulders, wasn't nearly enough to keep me warm and the gas hadn't been paid for years. So there I sat, my immune system weakening by the second as I lay there freezing, hungry and alone.

I was the last of my bloodline, after the lycans had devoured my entire family, I was the only one left barely alive, at the age of 3, after they had run off in their pack towards possibly another target. I sighed and sat up, wondering wether or not venturing out into the village to try and steal some supplies and resources would be a good idea, it wouldn't be the best idea but it's probably better than being stuck in here.

You rose from the wrapping my blanket around my shoulders, my feet set off towards the village. My bare, tender feet crunched in the crisp white sheet of fresh snow before me "Ah, ooh, owch" the menacing, chilly floor nipped at my soft flesh as if it was a piranha with its next victim. I carried on walking ignoring the icy floor, the blade like stones and the prickly branches on the ground that stabbed at my feet every chance they got.

Achoo, Achoo,Achoo Sneezes shot out of me like some form of snot rockets. My stomach growled and twisted in hunger, the faint smell of stew filled my nostrils making my lips wet with saliva as I followed the smell. My head grew light, my arms swayed and my feet practically floated towards the scent "Need food, need energy , gonna-" I stopped dead in my tracks. An enormous grand castle stood before my path "Oh of course its coming from the fanciest place in Ariah village, I'd have more chance drinking their toilet water than sampling some of their food" I sighed, turning to walk back to my destroyed little home.

I looked at the castles iron gates once more and pushed them open with a grunt, struggling slightly at their weight but I managed to get in. The smell only grew heavier, as I began to drift once more towards the heavy oak door. I pulled the doorbell weakly and lay down on the Lady's stone steps, in desperate need of aiding and comfort.

Click, Clack, Click, Clack, Creeeeaaak "Hello? Who dares disturb my lunch?" Alcina Dimitrescu barked furiously, peering down at my smaller form she chuckled "Oh, hello little dove I didn't see you down there. How May I be of assistance?" She questioned kneeling down to me "Ohhh you poor thing" She cooed noticing my pale face, baggy dark eyes and my shivering figure "Come inside I'll get you warmed up, you poor soul" She said opening the oak, doors wider, "Th-th-that m-mm-may bb-be a bit of a pp-problem to suh-suh-stand miss" My teeth clattered and shivered together.

Alcina opened her large momma bear arms, lifting me up as if I weighed nothing, I was a bag of feathers to this larger woman as she cradled my 15 year old body in her arms. Slam, Click the heavy doors slammed shut as if they were sealing my fate.

I peered around my new surroundings, the walls were a cream-white colour, oak interior danced along the walls as if they were intertwining vines of a beautifully dangerous snake camouflaging in plain sight with the trees and greenery.

The floor was a cold marble, candlelight bounced off the floor, they gentle fireworks illuminating this woman's lovely home. Alcina proceeded towards a set of cold, marble stairs and towards another set of stairs, this stairway was grand,unwinding , smooth and freshly polished as she took to them "You'll be residing in our guest room to avoid further spread of your virus" Alcina looked down at me knowing exactly what I had, a glint of sadness in her golden orbs flickered and flashed quickly as she looked away, sniffing away the tear forming in her eye.

The guest room was a simple room, a pine wooden floor upon which a plain rug splayed over it. The bed was a single metal framed bed. dull, navy blue bedsheets sat perfectly, untouched almost brand new as Alcina carried me onto the room and placed me on the bed gently. Cough cough, Cough cough I spluttered out in a dying tone.

"You poor thing, I'm sure you'll get better I can't promise but I'm sure you will. Until then you may reside here until you are back to full health dear, anything you need just ring this bell or call out my name darling" Alcina explained placing a brass, golden bell on the counter. "What's your name miss?" "Oh haha how selfish of me The Lady Alcina Dimitrescu, at your service" she giggled softly, "I'll be back soon with some clothes" she smiled softly at me then left room.

I lay there under the thin blankets, my body experiencing weird temperature flushes, my skin growing paler and colder by the minute as I feel my body reject more nutrients, throwing back up into my mouth. I lean over vomiting in a bedpan beside the leg of the bed frame. "Am I getting better of worse?" I wondered, my train of thought was suddenly interrupted by Alcina watching over me once more

"Sorry to bother you draga, would it be better if you recovered in my chambers?" Alcina's eye twitched quickly "it's much warmer and cosier in there, I just want you to feel more at home" She smiled warmly once more, I nodded and lifted my arms as she plucked me into the air, carrying me to her bed chambers. Alcinas chambers were warm and welcoming, her floor was a dark oak flooring, a thick wool rug lay neatly in the centre decorated with a crimson base and golden like patterns that danced and curved in a variety of different places. The fireplace captivated my attention quicker than the rest, a stone fireplace caging a raging fire, the flames danced, swaying and dipping as if it was trying to seduce me in some way. Thick metal chains, hooks that sat on the ends, hung from her bed chamber ceilings preferably for torture I'm guessing.

Alcina's arms were silk, whenever she carried me her arms always felt so warm and inviting as if they were a bed in themselves. She carried my smaller form over to her queen size bed, tucking me into the silk sheets and placing clothes on the end of the bed close enough for me to reach. Her crimson, cherry lips pressed a light kiss on my sweating, salty, wet forehead. Her blush was clear on her face as she nestles a teddy bear in my arms "Get well soon, Draga mea" she cooed softly closing the door behind her, allowing me to sleep peacefully.

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