Successor / Frank Fontaine x Reader

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This was greatly inspired by the Oneshot fic 'Petals and Seawater' by flowerfemur!
Go check it out! It's quite good!

This is a Hanahaki Disease AU!

I'm sorry in advance.

Rapture, the world's fastest growing pile of junk. And with the junk comes certain rules you need to follow if you want to survive. There are the simple ones like never go out without a weapon, always ration food, etc. But the biggest rule to follow that's never really spoken about, is never fall in love.

Weird, right? From a young age on the surface your encouraged to find your 'soulmate', your 'true love'. In Rapture your taught to never fall in love, because might get you killed.

I'll explain; shortly after Adam slugs where discovered, people wondered what other random and fascinating things lie in the depths of the ocean. One of them, was the Hanahaki Disease.

It's not something you contract by it spreading, like ebola. There are certain conditions that need to be met to contract the Hanahaki Disease.

Those conditions are; falling in love with somebody...

...who doesn't love you back.

Heartbreaking, right? Yeah, but that's how it is.

The Hanahaki Disease kills you in a weird way too. After you contract it by convincing yourself the one you love doesn't love you back, or the one you love verbally confirming they don't love you, The Hanahaki Disease slowly fills your lungs with flowers, suffocating you. Your body tries and tries to get the flowers out by having you cough them up, but with that comes blood and more suffering than before.

Worst part? The flowers aren't just any type of flower, they're your love's favorite flower.

Like salt in the wound.

Now, you may be thinking "Well then how do people have kids if nobody's together and in love?"

Well, people are still in love, people are still married to one another. But the vast majority of people who are married and in relationships already had them on the surface before they moved to Rapture. People still had one night stands, and random flings. They just had to be careful not to get attached.

So you always did exactly that. You never fell in love, you never got attached.

Except you did fall in love, and you got attached. You just denied it for years.

"Dammit." Fontaine mutters, hunched over his desk holding blood soaked petals. "I'm so close, why now?" Frank mutters to himself, cursing at himself, cursing at the world, and mourning his plan that will ultimately fail.

"Fontaine? Are you in here?" You call from the other side of his office door. Frank jumps up from his seat and tosses the petals into the trash can next to his desk, making sure no blood is present anywhere.

"Yeah Doll, 'm here." Frank calls to the door, sitting down in his chair and grabbing a pen. He hunches over papers on his desk so it looks like he was engulfed in work.

"Uh, I have a letter from Andrew Ryan, and the mailman is standin' outside making sure I'd deliver it and not throw it in the trash." You say, walking twords the desk and handing Frank the letter. He slowly takes them and gives them a once over look.

"Hah, like 'm gunna read this junk." He mutters, tossing the letter in the trash next to his desk. He misses but doesn't seem to care, so you pick the letter up and plop it in the trash. Making sure it going in. While you do that, Frank looks at the door to see the delivery man peeking through the open door. "Hey! Quit ya' peepin'!" Frank yells at the man, he quickly scurries off in fear.

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