Tea and Crumpets / Robert Lutece x Reader

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Recently I started playing BioShock Infinite and the Lutece Twins where my immediate favorites, and I got an idea to write this!

Unfortunately I do not have much experience with this character and I am not good at capturing his personality and such, so apologies if Robert and/or Rosalind seem out of character.

I'm sorry in advance.

"What do we have here?"

"I don't know."

"That makes two of us."

"Technically still only one."

You don't know where you are or what happened, but you do know your mind is swimming in pain, a headache hits you like a train as you suddenly regain consciousness and take notice of the two posh English accents talking.

"Wha....." You groan, mumbling out little things like 'ow' and 'what?' as you attempt to get up from laying down on the concrete. Your body aches as you feel yourself give out and hit the floor, your attempt to get up failed.

"They seems to have little strength left."

"And seems to be in horrible condition."

"What do you think happened?"

"From the bruises I'd say one nasty fight."

The voices talking where definitely English and distinctly posh, one sounded more feminine and the other sounded more masculine.

"Should we help them?"

"Maybe we should get help."

"No, on second thought I suggest we don't interfere."

"But they look on the brink of death!"

"A fair point. Let's help them up."

You suddenly feel lighter as your hoisted up, and carried over to a nearby chair. As your sat down on the wooden seat, you get a good look of the voices.

One voice, most likely the more feminine one, was a red haired woman who wore a green tie. Her beige suit jacket was unbuttoned, however she wore a dark brown button up vest under it, with a white button up dress shirt. The most noticable thing about her attire was the long dark brown maxi shirt she wore, that went down to her ankles. Her fair was fashioned in a tight bun, everything she wore screamed 'old timey posh'.

The second voice stood next to her, and this was was most likely the masculine voice. He looked very similar to the woman next to him, if not identical, he even had the same red hair and blue eyes she had. However his hair was slicked back. He even wore similar attire to the woman, a beige suit jacket (his was buttoned, and had pockets too), with a green tie, dark brown button up vest, and a white button up dress shirt. However, his vest was a v-neck, while the woman's vest was a u-neck. And instead of a maxi skirt, the man wore dark brown dress pants.

"By heavens, are they alright?" The Gentleman asked, waving a hand Infront of your face.

"It seems they're in a shocked state of some kind." The Lady adds, observing you as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"W- where am I?" You manage to say, but your voice was so quiet you barely heard yourself.

"Pardon?" The Gentleman asks, leaning closer to you so he can hear you.

"Where am I?" You ask with more confidence and volume, and you where just barely loud enough to be hear.

"Ah, yes. Matters of location." The Lady chimes in. The two are silent for a moment, looking at each other as if to say; "Who's going to tell them?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2022 ⏰

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