Special trip and Fulfilling Contract

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It was quite a ceremony as Verde stayed by Zephyranth's side, as he met all her friends.

Ron and Hermione were an interesting pair, Andromeda was a tough woman although she lost her husband and daughter, her grandson Teddy kept her going.

He was surprised that Teddy was Zephyranth's godson but she let Andromeda keep custody of him unless something happens to her.

Then Hermione slipped that Zephyranth never got out of Britain despite her money.

Well, he would have to change that.
After six hours of the banquet and many farewells, Verde and Zephyranth left Hogsmede to somewhere only Verde knew with one of his new devices, the Teleporglobe.

"Verde, you're being secretive." Zephyranth said as she was blindfolded.

"Don't worry honey, you won't be disappointed." He said as he took off her blindfold and she saw they were at........

Disney World

"Oh my! I've heard of this place, but I never found the time to come!"

"Well, Hermione mentioned you never had a good childhood thanks to the Dursleys, I figured this should make up for it. I'll warn you, I actually intend to take you through every attraction since we'll be here for a week startong tomorrow." Verde smiled as they headed to  one of the many hotels nearby.

"Love the idea. What's the first stop?"

"How does Epcot sound?"
The fact Zephyranth missed out on a lot of fun things because of the war was a understatement.

So it was endearing for Verde to see his wife stare at multiple rides and attractions with wonder.
Through the entire week, there was not a time Zephyranth was not smiling.

After the week long trip was over, Zephyranth apparated them back to the Manor as she was ready for a long hot bath.

Settling herself in the the luxurious heated bath, Zephyranth smiled as she looked at her new wedding ring as it had a green and red gem in it cementing the official marriage.

Then she heard some movement in the tub, and someone embracing her from behind.



"You said that you had made a love potion and a fertility potion to help us procreate, right?" Verde asked as he tended to her hair before trailing a finger down her spine.

"Ah, oh, y-yeah. I did, though, if you-" then Zephyranth was cut off when Verde turned her around to face him.

"I do want you to know, and you're not considering it. I want to show those bithering neanderthals you are mine now." Verde said as he leaned into Zephyranth's face.

"Completely. Wholly. Mine." He finished as he kissed Zephyranth.

The Raven melted into the kiss as she caught a little smell of potion ingredients, chemicals, and strangely a hint of mint and dark chocolate. It was intoxicating.

The next thing Zephyranth knew, she was back in her bedroom with Verde on their bed as he opened the Amorentia bottle to let the sweet smelling potion engulf the room as Verde drank some of the fertility potion and gently poured some into Zephyranth's mouth.

The sounds of moans, groans, pants, and skin on skin contact echoed in the room as the pair kept each other close, as they were the only ones in their own world.
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