A bonus addition

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Zephyranth always found herself in peculiar situations. As she was taking a trip back home to the store, she spotted a child in a cow onesie crying.

"Oh my, are you lost sweetie?" She cooed to the child as he stopped crying and looked at Zephyranth, already taken with her kind green eyes.

Sniffing, he replied, "My name is Lambo Bovino. I was tasked by my boss to take out Reborn but I can't come back until I do."

Zephyranth frowned. One thing she will not tolerate is a child being used as cannon fodder.

"Would you like to come with me? You can stay with me from now on if you like." Zephyranth smiled.

Lambo did not need to be asked twice.
For a while, Reborn thought he felt a strong but gentle wave of Cloud and Sky flames.

Then it left already.

Was there a Cloudy Sky he did not know of roaming around?

Cloudy Skies are hard to come by, and were said to be more favorable than normal Skies. There were only 8 moments when people met a Cloudy Sky but they were only violent when those close to them were threatened and rather than being dominant and exterting control, they gave off a domestic aura of genuine home. They can be compared to a mother bear. Sweet when left in peace, but not afraid to fight to protect when provoked.

Verde sighed at what his wife told him, though he knew how she is when it comes to orphans.

But he supposed it could work out, since Lambo has become attached to her.

Their kid would need another sibling figure besides Teddy after all.

I'm debating on a minor crossover with Toriko, mostly with the food and such to really get Verde hooked.
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