A message to Atlas

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Alrighty, throwing myself into the saddle with this one. I heard this song that sparked an idea in my head of an OC or Reader character as part of a Pre First Volume reforming White Fang with said character being a friend of Adam and Blake's. After the events of the Black Trailer, Adam and the OC would meet up and discuss what had happened and why. In the end, OC would go on to show that less civilian casualties were the way to go and things would snowball from there. Still working on a snowball effect but this would take place in Volume 8, after Ultimatum. It would be my OC's response, if you will, to Ironwood's threat to bomb Mantle if Penny didn't show up. Anyway, here's what I've got so far...

"I don't think I've ever been this intentionally hostile in my lyrics for awhile," Brant mused as he bobbed his head to the music playing in his ears as he read over his lyrics again.

"It has been awhile since you decided to vent with your music," Adam agreed, watching his Lieutenant out of the corner of his eye.

"This is gonna cement us as Atlas' boogie men, you know that right?" Brant said, reaching up and removing his headphones.

"It's going to cement you as one of the boogie men, I already am one to them," Adam retorted, a grin splitting his face as he toyed with Wilt's hilt.

"Right... let's get this over with then." Brant grins, checking that everything was in place before stepping onto the stage and letting his eyes wander over the dozens of cameras arrayed in front of the stage before settling on his girlfriend who was looking at a map of Mantle and its perimeter defenses.

"This is gonna be a stretch, you know that right?" She asks, side-eyeing him as he approaches the table.

"Coming from you? That's promising." He retorts, wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his chin on her head as he looks over the maps as well. "I thought we were leaving the Northern side intentionally weak to force Atlas into putting up more than a token resistance?"

"We were, then the General sent off a couple cruisers for 'Herd thinning' to appease the rest of the Council." She replies, leaning back into Brant. "Are you sure you want your returning debut to be this?" She murmurs, looking up at him, forcing him to move his head to the side to look back at her.

"I think it's time this side of me takes a more open stance on Faunus rights and the sham that the Councils are trying to shove down our throats. Menagerie was a punch to the face and the blows have just kept coming ever since, disguised behind smiles and sweet words. Glint isn't playing by their rules any more." Brant replies, hugging her a little tighter before kissing her forehead and moving back to the stage.

"Alright everyone, show time!"


"and returning to the musical spotlight, the mystical singer Glint!"

Glint looked directly into the cameras, the only source of light directly above him casting shadow everywhere else. Anyone paying attention would draw parallels to Ironwood's speech earlier that week, but noticed something seemed different in the way it was portrayed.

"This is a message to the Atlassian Council, specifically one Jacques Schnee and the great General Ironwood."

Play the video, I recommend at 1.25x speed on Youtube. Or a nightcore version if you prefer.

You feel so safe inside, the walls you fortified,

It's down you go, when your walls fall like Jericho,"

Glint bobbed his head with each beat, every clap lit up a crowd of both Faunus and Human standing behind him wearing the White Fang mask.

You build 'em up, you layer stone on stone,

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