Lexie Thawne (The Flash)

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Full name: Alexandra Hunter Destiny Zolomon-Thawne

Status: Alive (resurrected) 

Born: February 12th, 2186

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

Home universe: Earth-1 & Earth-2 [Her father unknowingly traveled to Earth-2, to the past, and had sex with Helena Zolomon, mother of Lexie and Eddie and sister of Hunter Zolomon]

Current universe: Earth-Prime 

Age: 15 (Season One), 16 (Season Two), 17 (Season Three), 18 (Season Four), 19 (Season Five), 20 (Season Six), 21 (Season Seven), 22 (Season Eight), 23 (Season Nine) 

Titles: Lexie (by everyone), Lex (by several), Sweetheart (by Eobard), My Sweet Girl (by Eobard), Munchkin (by Hunter), My Angel Niece (by Hunter), Niece (by Hunter), Sister (by Teddy & Grodd), Little Runner (by Hunter & King Shark), Alex (by close friends), ZT (by Teddy), Womanizer Twins (with Teddy; by several), Red (by several; mostly Mick Rory & Hunter Zolomon), Allie (by Leonard Snart & Ralph Dibny), ZT and HR (with Hartley; by Cisco), Wells' Daughter (by Hartley), Lexiana (by Hartley), Ghostface (by Barry & Cisco), Lexie Loomis (by Barry, Teddy & Cisco), Michael Myers (by Barry, Teddy & Cisco), Lexie Myers (by Cisco), Lexie Voorhees (by Cisco), Jason Voorhees (by Barry, Teddy, Nike & Cisco), Mama (by Hunter Zolomon-Thawne-Heart & Eobard Zolomon-Thawne-Heart), Mommy (by Hunter Zolomon-Thawne-Heart & Eobard Zolomon-Thawne-Heart), Pyaar (by August; means "love" in Hindi), Devadoot (by August; means "angel" in Hindi), Sweetie (by August), Reverse-Flash And Zoom Love Child (by August), Angel (by Hunter, August & Savitar)

Aliases: Lexie Thawne (in Central City), Lexie Zolomon-Thawne, The Magical Speedster, Ghostface, The Psychopath, The Speedster Psycjopath, The Daughter of Reverse-Flash, The Niece of Zoom, Thawne's Daughter, The Speedster Mutation, Womanizer, Playgirl, Dyslexia Speedster, Dys-Lexie, Speedster Spawn, Demon Spawn, Devil Spawn, The Witchy Speedster, The Elemental Witch, The Lightning Witch, Devil Spawn, Speedster Spawn 

Residence: Thawne House (formerly; 2186-2201), Wells Mansion (formerly; 2015), Zoom's Lair (formerly; 2015), West House (formerly; 2015-2016), Zolomon-Thawne Apartment (formerly; 2016-2023), Zolomon-Thawne-Heart-Allen House (currently; 2023-Present) [lives with Eddie, Eobard, Hunter, Savitar, August & Teddy] 

Relationship status: Dating August Heart       

Family: Eddie Thawne (paternal ancestor/surrogate uncle), Ashley Zolomon (maternal grandmother), James Zolomon (maternal grandfather), Mr. & Mrs. Thawne (paternal grandparents), Eobard Thawne (father), Helena Zolomon (mother), Thaddeus Thawne (paternal uncle) [Face claim: Chris Hemsworth], Hunter Zolomon (maternal uncle/former legal guardian), Thaddeus "Teddy" Zolomon Thawne (older twin brother), Joe West (legal guardian/foster father), Iris West-Allen (foster sister), Wally West (foster brother), Barry Allen (foster brother), Nora West-Allen (foster niece), Bart West-Allen (foster nephew), August Heart (father of child/future husband), Hunter Ralph Zolomon-Thawne-Heart (future son), Eobard Jorge Zolomon-Thawne-Heart (future son) 

Romances: August Heart (boyfriend/father of children), Bart West-Allen (ex-fling), Barry Allen/The Flash (ex-fling), Nora West-Allen (kissed), Barry Allen/Savitar (ex-fling), Wally West (ex-boyfriend), Jesse Chambers Wells (ex-girlfriend) [poly with Wally & Jesse] 

Other relations: Teddy Zolomon-Thawne (best friend/overprotective older twin brother/protector/safe place/comfort person/platonic soulmate/confidant), Ralph Dibny (best friend/overprotective older brother figure/protector/life-coach/partner in crime/confidant), Grodd (best friend/overprotective older brother figure/protector), Cisco Ramon (best friend/overprotective older brother figure/protector), Caitlin Snow (close friend), Leonard Snart (former best friend), Lisa Snart (former close friend), Barry Allen/The Flash (former enemy/frenemy/ally/brother figure), Hunter Zolomon (former enemy/ally/close friend/protector/overprotective uncle/confidant/comfort person), Cicada (former enemy/former frenemy/former close friend/former ally), Nora West-Allen (former enemy/frenemy), Bart West-Allen (frenemy), Hartley Rathaway (former frenemy/close friend/brother figure)

Affliction: S.T.A.R. Labs, Team Flash, Zolomon Family, West Family, Zolomon-Thawne Family, Central City  South High School (formerly), Central City South High School Hockey Team (formerly), Central City University "CCU" (formerly), Harvard University of Arts and Sciences (formerly), Central City College (formerly; on Earth-2 as undercover for Zoom), Central City Sharknadoes (currently; local hockey team of Central City) 

Occupation: Student at Central City South High School (formerly; graduated), Member of Team Flash (formerly; on-off), Member of Zoom's Meta-Human Group (formerly), Loyalist of Zoom (currently), Loyalist of Hunter Zolomon (currently), Student at Central City University "CCU" (formerly), Harvard University of Arts and Sciences (formerly), Assassin (formerly), Bounty Hunter (currently; on-off, Serial Killer (currently), Axe Murderer (currently), Scientist (currently), Engineer (currently), Sketch Artist/Visual Artist (currently), Martial Artist (currently), Mechanic (currently), Detective for Ralph Dibny's Firm, Intern Detective for Joe West (formerly; on-off), Cellist (currently), Patient at Central City South Mental Asylum (formerly)

College majors: Engineering Physics, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electromechanical Engineering, Mathematical Physics 

Species: Mutation (part-speedster & part-human) 

Powers: Super Senses, Regular Speedster Abilities, Lightning Manipulation (can shoot lightning from her hands, red lightnings from Negative Speed Force), Negative Forces Manipulation, Lightning Absorption, Lightning Summoning, Lightning Bolt Projection, Lightning Ball Projection, Demonic Lightning Manipulation, Cold Resistance (unlike most speedsters, Lexie has a resistance against the cold and heals faster after getting hit by the cold gun, and her wounds or injures are not nearly as bad as other speedsters'), Psychic Lightning Manipulation, Chrono Vision (visions of the past, present and the future; in all timelines) 

Abilities: Lock-Picking, Pick-Pocketing, Genius-Level Intelligence, Master Martial Artist, Master Scientist/Chemist/Physicist, Master Engineer, Master Manipulator, Skilled Knife-Fighter, Expert Stick-Fighter, Master Assassin, Imitation, Master Tactician, Strategical Thinking, Self-Preservation, Expert Electrical Knowledge, Master Speed Force Knowledge, Dancing, Singing, Cooking, Master Sketch Artist/Visual Artist, Master Torturer, Master Pain Tolerance, High Cold Resistance, Master Hell Knowledge, Master Demon Knowledge, Master Time Wraiths Knowledge, Master Timeline Knowledge, Expert Multiverse Knowledge, Computer Specialist/Expert Computer Hacker, Master Medical Skills, Master Mechanical Knowledge, Expert Cellist 

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual/Poly [She can be in a relationship with more than one, but she hasn't tried it out yet]

Height: 5'3 (Feet), 1.6 (Meters)

Eye color: Dark blue (Human), Red (Mutation), Black (Mutation) 

Hair color: Sweet Cola Dark Brown

Skin color: Light-tanned 

Lightning coloration: Red (formerly; since birth), Red and Black (currently)

Disorders: Major Depression Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder "ASD", Dyslexia, Schizophrenia, Intermittent Explosive Disorder "I.E.D", Daddy Issues (formerly; got a better relationship with her father)

Type of hero/villain: Apathetic Assassin & Misanthropic Anti-Hero 

Portrayed by: Summer Fontana (Child; flashbacks), Danielle Rose Russell (Teenager), Danielle Campbell (Adult) 

Famous quote: "Fucking hell!"

Seasons: 1-9 (The Flash)

Book: 𝐂𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐮𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐚 [𝟏]

A/N: Lexie and August's sons, who they named after Lexie's father and uncle, are twins. Just like how Lexie is a twin and Hunter Zolomon is a twin. The Zolomons' twin genes. And by the way, Jorge is the name of August's deceased brother. Lexie named Hunter after her uncle and her best friend. 

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