First time sleeping with him - HC

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DISCLAIMER: This is JUST sleeping, no +18 content or anything

- He would get kina nervous

- He would try to not move too much, nor getting too close to you cuz he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable

- If you asked him to get closer he would smile and do it, he would kiss your forehead and go to sleep

Y/N: Eds...

Eddie: Yeah?

Y/N: Can you get closer please, I'm getting cold

Eddie: *smiles* Of course

- He has a hard time falling asleep, but when he does fall asleep he sleeps like the dead

Eddie: *whispers* Y/n, I can't sleep

Eddie: Y/N?? Are you asleep

*looks at your face*

Eddie: Yeah, you're asleep *proceeds to stare at you while you sleep*

If you also have trouble sleeping you two would stay up till dawn talking about anything and everything or watching movies, depending on the dayIn summer he likes to sleep without a shit but he always asks you if you're comfortable with it

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