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Rory rests her head on the cold window as she stares out to the families waving goodbye to their children. Her mum had said a quick goodbye to her and her brothers before apparating back to their house.

The clock hung up on the wall has felt as though it had been stuck at five to eleven for at least the past ten minutes. The train being no closer to leaving the station.

She's going to be sick if they didn't get out of here soon. Rory was trying everything to not think about the school's sorting ceremony that would be taking place tonight. She had only been told about it a couple hundred times and each time it only made her dread going.

Rory knew what house she was most likely to end up in but she wasn't sure a lot of people would like it. It wasn't a comforting thought but she knew there was a high chance that she wouldn't be the only one disappointing her family.

"Do you think hogwarts will be as good as everyone says it is?" She ask her best friend, Sirius Black, who sits with his head in hands at the opposite side of the compartment.

"Probably not," Sirius says as he looks up at the girl in front of him.

"No matter what happens we'll have each other, right?" She asks him looking over with at him.

"Always," He says as he takes her hand in his.

Sirius and Rory had known each other their entire lives, both coming for similar families. Her aunt Druella had married Sirius uncle so they were always at the same family events.

As soon as Rory had learned about each of the Hogwarts houses she knew that there was a higher chance of her being placed into Gryffindor rather than Slytherin like the rest of her family that had attended before her.

"Now we're going to school we won't have to see them as much," She says, looking out of the window again eyes focused on the clock. "We'll be in a different than Bellatrix so we won't see her either."

"If we get sorted anywhere other than Slytherin we'll never hear the end of it from our family's," Sirius says dully. "I just wish they would just listen sometimes."

"They're too set in their ways to even consider it," She tell Sirius lying back in her seat.

There's a moment of silence before someone is knocking on the compartment door. Rory quickly looks over to make sure it isn't either of her brothers or one of her cousins coming to bother her and Sirius.

To Rory's shock, it's James Potter who stands at the door. Sirius looks confused as he opens the door.

"Everywhere else is full," Potter says as he holds onto the door frame. "Is it alright if my friend and I sit here?"

Sirius looks over to her, unsure what to say.

"Sure," Rory tells the brunette boy.

He quickly calls his friend Remus over. The two boys quickly sit down set to us, Remus taking the seat next to Sirius and James next to me.

"So," James says. "You think you'll be sorted into Slytherin?"

"Don't know," Rory tells him. "Probably."

That's what house everyone expects her to be in anyways and if the rest of her family was put they're maybe the hat would just look over her own personality and put her where she should have been, it's what everyone else does.

"I'll definitely be in Gryffindor," James says with a large smile on his face. "No offence, it's the best house."

"Non taken." Sirius says, his dull look is now hidden by the confident look he puts on in front of others.

His eyes look between the door and James as if he's terrified Bellatrix is going to be walking past and hex him for even being on the same train as James.

"What about you?" Rory asks Remus, he hasn't spoken the entire time and looks a bit awkward.

"Probably Gryffindor," Remus says. "Mabey Ravenclaw."

"Honestly Gryffindor seems like a good house." Rory says, ignoring the confused look the other two boys give her.

Sirius on the other hand glares at her. He knows he won't end up in Slytherin and he hates his family but yet he's still scared.

"Do you two like quidditch?" James suddenly asks, quickly trying to changing the subject.

Luckily this is a subject Sirius loves and Rory enjoys. Remus on the other hand now looks completely uninterested and reaches into his bag to begin reading one of the books we were assigned.

"Who doesn't like quidditch," Sirius says, now sitting up and giving the conversation his full attention. "I'm definitely going to be on my house team next year."

"Same," James says excitedly. "I'm hoping to be captain one day."

The boys are still going on about quidditch when there's another knock at the carriage door stoping the boy's conversation.

It's a small boy, he shyly opens the carriage door and leans in.

"Can I sit here?" The boy asks.

"Of course," James says, flashing a warm welcoming smile.

"Thank you," The boys says as he takes a seat next to Remus. "I'm Peter Pettigrew."

The conversation of quidditch quickly resumes and Peter joins in. Still Remus and Rory stay out of it, the boy sits still reading his book.

"What are you reading?" She asks Remus, trying to get a better look at the front cover.

"A history of magic," He tells her as he holds up the cover for Rory to see.

"I probably should have started reading some stuff before school started but I've been too worried about coming to school." She admits.

"Why would you be worried?" Remus asks curiously. "You're a Rosier, one of the oldest magical family's, school should be easy for you."

"It's not the classes I'm worried about." She tells the boy.

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