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Students wander the halls as the train pulls up to the station impatiently waiting until they can get off the train. Rory still had her attention on the castle towering over everything around it, she had seen photos before, been told stories but seeing in person just made everything feel so much more real.

When she finally manages to draw her eyes away from the view outside and turns her attention back to Sirius and the new boys they had met they were still talking away not noticing the train had stopped. They had been rambling on for quidditch for a while now, they had gone back and forth between other topics but it had always gone back to quidditch. Rory had joined in a bit but she had been much more interested in talking to Remus about his books; he had lent her one half way through the journey, a book about beginner charms. She had enjoyed looking through everything she could learn this year.

Rory handed the book back to Remus before she forgot. People were already getting off the train so she got the boys to hurry up not wanting to be the last one off.

Outside the train a tall man who introduces himself as Hagrid tells the first years to begin heading to the boats near water. Before following her peers Rory looks around to see if she can spot either of her brothers, her older brother Leo had came over to see her on the train but she assumes he had must have left with his friends already because she can't see him anywhere, Evan on the other hand is standing with the group of first years with his friend Mulciber. She doesn't get a chance to say anything to him before they start moving down to the water.

Hagrid tells them to get into groups for the boats. Rory goes to follow Sirius who is getting into one with the other boys from the train when she hears Evan shouting on her.

"I'll meet you there," Rory tells Sirius who in turn gives her a hesitant look.

When she gets to his boat he's with mulciber and a girl Rory doesn't know. She doesn't look too happy to be with them but with the rest of the boats looking full this must have been the last one left.

"So you think you'll be in Slytherin then?" Mulciber is the first to speak.

Rory doesn't want to answer that so she just glares over at the boy, she knows there is a chance she will be but for certain that Sirius won't be and she can't stand the thought of being apart from him.

"She will be," Evan answers for her when she continues to just glare at him.

"And how do you know that?" Rory asks turning to face the water instead.

"Because everyone from our family that has gone here was." Evan says.

"You mean our parents, aunt and a few of our cousins," Rory argues. "Most of them went to beauxbatons."

"Still," He says. "Leo is in Slytherin so they expect we will be too."

"Well let's hope not disappoint then."

"Can't you just leave her alone?" Rory had forgotten about the girl until she finally spoke. "It's a school, it doesn't matter what house she's in."

Evan just rolled his eyes at her, annoyed even more when Mulcibed laughed.

"Thank you," Rory says to the girl before focusing on her brother again. "See not everyone agrees with you."

"Whatever." Evan scoffs.

He does eventually go back to just talking to his friend, ignoring Rory. She tries to not think about the school but as they get closer it makes it almost impossible. She has no clue why Evan had shouted her over to sit with him if he was just going to annoy her the entire time.

She's grateful when they can finally get out of the boat, she can get back to Sirius and tell him all about this but for as quiet as the girl was earlier she has now not stopped talking to Rory. The girl, Rosalie Weasley, talks all about the classes she's looking forward to and what her brother has told her about the school. Rory tries to listen to what she's saying but as they're walking into the school it's the last thing she wants to think about right now.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24 ⏰

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