The Curse Part 2

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                After two days of anxiety getting to her the day finally came. It was August 9th, Briar's 16th birthday. Everyone was happy for Briar she finally got to live out her happily ever after, It was mid-morning and Briar woke up. She glanced over her rose-shaped clock and saw that it was 10:00 am. Briar was not in a good mood, she had over slept on the day that she would never get to see her friends again. 

            She quickly went to take a nice warm shower  and looked through her closet for an outfit for this "special. " Day. She picked out a black shirt that had no sleeves, hot pink skirt that had black roses on the skirt and white rose high heels. Briar made her way to the cafeteria to find Ashylnn. She was surprised to see that there was no one there. Not even a footstep could be heard besides her own. So she got her food. It was a special day for her so instead of her usual order of oatmeal and toast she got french toast with barriers.   

      Once she was a few bites in her meal she saw something in the food. Curious she grabbed what seemed to be a piece of paper. Briar opened it and it said. " Congratulations on your special day, if you don't want to spend it alone follow me to a place unknown. " " What does that mean? "  She thought as she put the note in her bag. When she was done eating she looked at the note again and thought. " A place unknown huh?  " " Oh! I get it's Maddie's tea shop. Cool it's like a little scavenger hut. " 

     Going to the tea shop she kept on thinking who could have thought of this plan in the first place? Once she entered the shop she saw a pie that had pink roses on it and black frosting that spelled out her name. " Huh? That's a unique way to spell my name. " " Do you like it? " A voice asked her. She turned around to see Ashlynn and Apple holding two gifts in their hands.  " Happy birthday Briar! " Apple said to her as she hugged her friend. " Happy birthday. " Said Ashlynn as she put down her gift. 

       " So, what are you waiting for? Cut the pie open! " Apple said to her as she handed over a cutting knife. Briar took it and she cut open the pie. After she did a mouth came and started to talk to them. " H-hello? Is this thing on? Hey Briar happy birthday! Good job solving the first clue, now listen well. Come to the place with twists and turns that never end in order to find party bash of the year. " " Could she mean the rose maze? " Asked Ashlynn. " I think so. " And so they went off to the maze full of roses and found Raven at the end of the maze holding something in her hands. 

     " Raven what's all this about? " Asked Briar walking towards her with Ashylnn and Apple under foot. " Happy birthday Briar! Here made it with the help of Lizzy. " She showed her this breath taking outfit. It was this Dark hot pink long dress with black and white roses going down the bottom. Briar's eyes lit up and hugged her tight. She hugged back and they all got dressed up in their best outfits. " Wow you look so pretty Briar! " Said Apple. Briar laughed and thanked her then Raven showed them down a path that led to a tall building. " Raven where are you taking us? " " You'll see. "  When they entered the room it was filled with Briar's close friends. Briar's eyes lit up once more and they all started to talk. Then suddenly a slow song came on. 

            Lizzy went up to the stage and made a speech. " Hello everyone, I would like to say happy birthday to Briar beauty. You are one of my best friends ever since I came to Ever After. And since today is your special day and you went on these big adventures to get here, this is your last clue. All I need to say is look behind you. " She then walked off stage and went to her wounder land friends. Briar looked behind her and blushed. She saw Hopper dressed in his best red and gold tux and bowed down to the fellow princess with his hand out. " Will you let me  have this dance princess Briar? " Briar was blushing heavily and grabbed his hand. Hopper put his hands on her waist and Brair put her arms around his neck dancing the night away. " Briar, look...I know that I may not be your prince charming for your story but, let me be yours for tonight. " 

       " H-Hopper... ... ...of course. " They danced the night away and had a great time together. Soon after the party was about to be done Briar and Hopper went out to the balcony to talk.         " What did you want to talk about? " Hopper asked as he was holding her hand " Thing is...I really like you Hopper. " " ... ... ...  " " But, I know that I can't have anyone because of this curse. I'm sorry. " Without a word Hopper kissed and she kissed back then she heard someone call out her name and she had to go see them. It was Faybelle's voice coming from a distance. She left the party room and followed the voice to a secret room that held all the powerful weapons in their world. Including the Dark Fairy's spinning wheel.   

         Faybelle appeared behind the spinning wheel and said. " You want to see what this is Briar? Go ahead touch it, it won't hurt trust me. " Briar without hesitation reached the needle and put her index finger on it. Blood came dripping down the princess's finger and she slowly started to fall to the ground in a deep sleep. It was about 8:30 pm and there was no sign of Briar anywhere. People started to freak out and they started looking for her.  

The Sleeping Princess. ( Bropper ) Fan fiction. ( Briar x Hopper. )Where stories live. Discover now