Sleeping Princess Part 3

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      The search started and everyone walked through the school rooms. Hopper went to the library and found a secret lever somewhere. Curious, he decided to open it. What he saw on the other side was Briar laying down in the middle of the room next to the spinning wheel. " Briar! " He ran to her and grabbed her cold body in his arms. Hopper then ran to the gang and told them  what happened. Then Apple said that she made a bed for her in her dorm room. They went to Briar's room and put her on the rosy pink bed. One by one each of her friends said goodbyes.

       It was about a year since Briar went into her enchanted sleep. Every once in a while her friends would come visit her when they were done with their royal duties. But Hopper was always there for her. Everyday he came with either hot pink roses or just a card that said that he missed her. After he got the news that Briar would be sent to her castle and wouldn't be able to see her anymore he went to her room to spend one last day with her bringing nothing but his love. When he got there almost every person she knew was there. Headmaster grim told them that it was time for Briar to leave the grounds of EAH and everyone said their goodbyes. Hopper was last and he held her cold hand tight. 


      " Briar...I'm sorry that I couldn't get there in time. ...We all knew that you didn't want to do this. Goodbye." He then gave her a kiss that made the whole room glow this bright light. Then all of a sudden Briar slowly started to wake up. Everyone cheered besides for one. " saved me, thank you. " She then shared a kiss with the frog prince and someone started to throw a fit. " This isn't how your destiny was supposed to go Briar! Now you will never have your happily ever after! " Yelled Apple as she put her pointer finger up in the air wiggling it. " I am living my happily ever after Apple! I'm living it with Hopper. And if you can't realize that then I don't think that we are friends anymore. "

       Apple then stormed out of the room and then everyone left leaving the two love birds alone. " Hopper thank you so much. " " N-n-no pr-pro-problem Briar. I'm glad you're awake. " He stuttered. Briar giggled at his shyness which made the prince blush even more. " Briar...there's something that I want to tell you. " " Alright, what is it? " " The thing is...Briar...I always...kinda...I...I..." Briar put one finger on his lips which made him stop and then removed her finger then attached her lips to his. " I love you too Hopper. I think I always had but never wanted to admit it. " " ...Really? " " Yeah. " " Well,...if it's not much trouble with you...would you be willing to be my girlfriend? " " I'd love to. "      

The Sleeping Princess. ( Bropper ) Fan fiction. ( Briar x Hopper. )Where stories live. Discover now