Chapter XIII - The Arrival of Qēlos Dārys

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Visenya entered the dimly lit, crowded room. So many others were there. Often she found it difficult to breath in there, the small room was always so full.

The slaves were allotted only a few hours to congregate in the morning, before the sun rose. Visenya had never been particularly interested in the gods of her people, but she much enjoyed attending the gatherings. It was nice to have time away from the service of the masters, and to be able to speak freely with her fellow slaves.

Most of the people of Ahaelos, who were unfortunate enough to be in the Capitol when Baritheos of Antares stole the throne from Talaerys Vaelralis became slaves on his order. Some of Visenya's friends were children of court members, once wealthy noblemen... however, most of them were like her, and had been slaves for generations.

The Westerners hated them, and were often cruel. Even though she had been born in Rexos, raised in the King's city, still she was taunted for her darker brown skin, and her accent... and for the gods that she worshiped.

Aerion of Narhiso stood on the platform, tall among the crowd, and the room went silent.

Then, with his booming voice, the Priest began to speak.

"My friends... for so long we have hoped for our deliverer. For thousands of years we have waited for our Qēlos Dārys, the one who will break our chains... who will lead us to victory and build a new kingdom... one that is not for our oppressors, but for us! One without the need for chains or oppression of any kind!"

"My friends.... our wait is over. Our Qēlos Dārys is here!"

The room was suddenly filled with chatter.

Visenya was intrigued, but her heart was filled with disbelief. Her people had heard the stories from Narhiso for generations... and for generations, they waited... but never did their King actually come.

"From the North, in the Crownhold, we hear tales of a boy who's skin glows under the stars! Who can fly with might wings twice the size of a grown man! Who changes faces as most men change their garments..."

"A boy who fights with a small, simple, blade wreathed in flame! A boy whose power commands even the wolf-men's respect!"

"My friends... this is the Qēlos Dārys! This boy is our King! He is the one who will free us from our chains! And his name... is Ceres of Terrastella."

The chatter in the room grew louder. Everyone wanted to believe it, but many were just as skeptical as Visenya was.

"I have seen this in the stars! I know this to be true!" Aerion exclaimed. "Qēlos Dārys is here!"

Visenya watched Aerion in disbelief. Often she wasn't sure if she believed in Qēlos Dārys, a large part of her felt it was only a legend. Something that had been constructed by ancient witches to gain power over the slaves, or just some superstition. She had known how the order of the Bantis Mandia were viewed in almost everywhere but Narhiso... everyone else thought they were just charlatans, using an age old story to gain political power. Visenya tended to believe that more than the actual legends. But Visenya wanted it to be true... she would've loved to have lived in a world where she had the rights of any free-woman.

She would've loved to fall in love with a nobleman, like the court ladies she saw in their beautiful dresses, with their extravagant hair and jewelry. She would've loved to work for a wage, earn her own money and go buy something that was hers! She would've loved to raise children in a free world... but none of that could happen in the world she was born into. However, maybe it could happen in the world of the Qēlos Dārys.

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