Part 15

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It was messy, teeth and tongues and desperate gasps that fanned hot breath across their cheeks and stole the air from Aria's lungs. Warmth spread from her lips where they pressed to Aiden's, down her neck and into her chest. None of it was soft or gentle.

It was primal.

He pawed at her clothes, nails catching in frustration. Aria swallowed her whine and let him tear her clothes away, not caring a single bit that they were out in the open, and anyone taking a midnight stroll would surely see Aiden ripping her shirt to shreds.

But that thought disintegrated before it had even fully formed, Aiden's teeth sinking into the softness of her flesh.

"Aiden," she gasped, her limbs turning limp in his hold. He responded by burying his fingers into her skin, bare beneath the moonlight, and almost throwing her over his shoulder. She was too winded to squeal in surprise as he walked them both back to the library, dropping her to her feet in the entrance and pressing the front of her body against the cold glass door.

She hissed from the sudden ice against her exposed stomach and the sting of his nails on the skin of her hips. She was already wet, she could smell it, and she was sure Aiden's every fiber and every nerve ending was attuned to it.

It was happening so fast, she could barely keep up. The metallic clink of his belt buckle was all the warning she got before his cock was pressed to the round of her ass, hot and pulsing with need.

Her eyes went wide. She knew Alphas were big, but Aiden's cock felt huge. Heavy with desire, the weight of his length had saliva pooling beneath her tongue.

He pulled away, and she almost whined from the sudden loss of his warmth, but he silenced her with hard squeeze to her ass.

"You're soaked," he growled, thumbing at her slick inner thigh. His hands circled her thighs, thumbs pulling her cheeks apart to see the way she clenched around nothing. "You smell so fucking good, I-"

He didn't finish his sentence, his lips latching themselves onto her shoulder instead, sucking on the skin harshly until she mewled. All she could hear was her own blood roaring in her ears, her heart thundering and every nerve static with need.

If he didn't fuck her immediately, she would go crazy and end up feral. She knew it.

It seemed like he did too, because with a long groan, he angled his hips and drove his cock inside her, sheathing himself entirely in her wet heat.

The unfamiliar stretch tore a broken moan from her throat, her fingernails scrabbling for purchase on the smooth glass when he pulled out and snapped his hips forward again. He set an unforgiving pace, his thrusts bruising, his hands carving their possession into her hips while his cock filled her and filled her and filled her.

"So wet," he grunted, his forehead pressed to the back of her right shoulder. One of his hands released her hip and knotted itself in her hair, pulling until she arched like a taut bow, her back curved until she saw stars. The angle was different like that. The tip of his cock hammered into a spot that pulled her onto the very tips of her toes, silent gasps falling from her parted lips.

She could feel the spit slipping down her chin but she didn't care, she only wanted that high, the bliss promised by the pleasure curled tight and low in her belly. Her wolf sang, elated and hungry for more, more of her Alpha, more of her true mate. And Aria couldn't help but hope that it meant he was finally accepting her as his true mate, that he would finally be hers.

The thought made her wolf keen, arching and baring her neck for him to mark, to claim.

"A-Alpha, ah," she gasped, her voice raw and broken. He growled in response, his grip in her hair tightening until she cried out.

"You sound so perfect choking for me," he said, his thrusts turning deep, but just as hard. "Call me Alpha again."

"Alpha," she sobbed, the word jumping on her tongue from the force of his thrusts. Her pussy ached with it, with need and pleasure, and she wanted nothing more than to be filled that way for the rest of her life.

She never knew it could feel so mind-numbingly good, tingles and sparks and flutters turning heavier, more urgent, until her legs shook and her arousal dripped down the inside of her thighs. Tears clung to her lashes, gasps and hiccups and moans spilling from her spit-slick lips. Her mind focused only on the drag of his cock inside her, every ridge and vein and pulse catching along her every nerve.

"Puh-please," she gasped, her fingernails squealing against the glass. "Please, Alpha, ah!"

"Please what?" he taunted, his voice callous. He chased his own high, using her body however he pleased to get there.

"M-Ma-ah-" she babbled, her mind turning fuzzy the harder he fucked her. She had no idea how no one had come to investigate the smell alone. That foul lingering scent that clung to Aiden, the part of his scent that had been marred by Meredith, was
gone, replaced with Aria's arousal. And it was right, right, right, because he was hers and she was his, and Meredith would be forgotten.

Aiden would choose her after all.

The thought, coupled with Aiden's erratic thrusts, sent her hurtling over the edge, her vision turning white with pleasure. Every inch of her body shook with the force of her orgasm, from her fingertips down to her quaking knees. The spill of her arousal only spurred Aiden on, and he forced her flush against the door, pounding into her with reckless abandon.

She might have blacked out because the next time she was lucid, the hand that had knotted itself in her hair was suddenly wrapped around her throat. He proceeded to fuck his cum deeper and deeper as he came down from his high.

"Mark me, Alpha," she whined, begging and exposing her neck to him. "Please, please, claim me."

He grunted as he pulled out, his hands and body disappearing entirely.


"I will never claim you," he snarled. She felt the words like a blade through her lungs. "I will never love you, and you will never be my mate."

She turned around, back against the glass and fresh tears slipping down her cheeks.

"I needed to scratch an itch and keep my wolf sated, that's all I needed you for."

He tucked himself into his pants and turned, disappearing into the darkness of the forest and leaving Aria cold and empty. A mix of their arousal sliding down her inner thighs, making her feel dirty.


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