Part 64

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(POV - Marcus)

Following Aiden back to his office had Marcus wishing he could tear into the other Alpha's exposed neck.

He hated leaving Aria with unanswered questions. He knew exactly what happened when she was left to draw her own conclusions, and he knew it would only hurt them both more than it needed to. He wanted to go back to her, to pull her in close and let her know that he was going to explain everything to her if she would just give him a little more time.

He 'wanted' to share his past with her, but with the amount of chaos whirling around them in this fucking packhouse, he couldn't find it in himself to spare it a single thought.

Aiden shouldered open the door to his office and walked to his desk, sitting down behind the mahogany.

With the quirk of a brow, Marcus studied the office, easily picking out the brand new damage down by an out-of-control wolf.

He bristled at the thought of Aria being subjected to this kind of violence, and it was even harder to keep his hands at his sides. His wolf's claws dug through his skin, shifting between human fingers and sharp claws.

Aiden sat back in the large executive chair, glaring at Marcus, who remained standing despite Aiden's offer for him to take a seat.

"What do you want?" Marcus demanded, his temper frighteningly short. Aiden chewed on the inside of his cheek before he answered, regarding Marcus closely. He hated being studied. It was something that set his teeth on edge no matter who it was.

"Aria," Aiden said simply, his mouth a thin, serious line. "I won't let her go without a fight. I refuse. She's 'my' true mate. She's wearing 'my' mating mark. She will not leave with you."

Marcus scoffed, rolling his eyes and glancing away to keep his wolf from peeking through in agitation. Aiden had long since dug his way under Marcus' usually thick skin. But he'd lost every ounce of patience he might have had the second he heard Aria crying over the phone.

And, as if that hadn't been enough, he'd found out that Aiden had 'forced' his mark on Aria.

But Aria hadn't accepted it. She'd chosen Marcus in the end, and this little pup wouldn't win.

"She's made her choice," Marcus drawled, already turning to leave the garish office. He'd seen enough of it and its owner.

"Are you sure about that?"

Marcus paused mid-step before slowly turning around.

"Choose your words wisely, pup," he warned through his teeth. "Don't start a war you can't possibly win."

Aiden got to his feet, rounding the table but staying far from Marcus reach.

"This isn't about starting a war," Aiden said simply. "This is about Aria finding out that the wolf she thinks she loves killed his own mate."

Marcus went deadly still, every nerve in his body silent, preternatural.

"Do you really think Aria will want to return with you when she finds out what really happened to your dead mate?"

Red flooded his vision as his mind swam with memories of Helena and the day she'd died, their son dead in her arms while Marcus had been too far away to protect them.

He lunged at Aiden, easily pinning him to the desk behind him and snapping dangerously close to his exposed throat.

"Do not ever mention my true mate unless you want your tongue forcibly removed," he snarled, crazed with a brand new kind of rage. "

"Then I challenge you," Aiden  grunted, struggling to break free of Marcus' vice grip. "Fight me for Aria and let's see which one of us truly deserves her."

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