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Jonas' POV

I can't believe we made it to elsewhere. We finally made it. The communities will have the memories back. Everything will be good again, I'm so glad we made it.

The nice lady who opened the door, Jenna, helped us inside and sat us by the fire to warm up.w Gabe's crying is slowly coming to a stop as he notices the beautiful flames flicker and he warms.

Jenna comes out of her kitchen, "I don't have much right now, but please eat some stew," she said holding two bowls.

y/n is still looking around at all the colours in aw.

"Thank you so much, miss,"

"Of course. Please tell me about your old home. it sounds ... interesting,"

I nod as y/n begins eating the soup and giving some to Gabriel. I explain that our community was very different because it didn't have weather, love, colour, or memories. I explained how we all had specific roles and each family unit had one girl and one boy and they lived as a family unit until the children were adults and given their own family unit. Then the parents would go to the house of the old. I explained releasing, how it meant death, and how y/n and Gabe were set to be released.

Y/n's pov

I fed myself and Gabe as Jonas explained the community to the nice lady. My body aches and I am so tired. After eating his fill Gabe soon falls asleep.

"And the babies? You get them from birthmothers. Those poor women, to go through that,"

"What do you mean?" I ask. Why would the birthmothers be poor? Their assignment is to be birthmothers. That is what they do.

"Oh, just to go through having a baby, all that pain and work, only for them to be torn away immediately," she says.

Birth... I remember one of my visions. It was an early vision about birth. I remember it was painful and the fear I felt when the doctors took the newchild...the baby. "I guess you're right. But don't you do the same?

"No, doctors may take a baby away for a moment to clean them up, but they stay in the same room. Unless the baby or mother is in danger, like sick," Jenna explains.

I nod slowly and Jonas nods beside me beginning to eat his stew.

"It is late, after you finish your stew sleep and I will bring you to the doctors tomorrow," Jenna says softly.

I nod yawning softly laying on the floor. It's comfier than outside by far and it doesn't take long before I fall asleep.

Gabriel is older now. "Do you regret leaving," he asks.
I'm shocked by his question. He seems around a 5 by now. Still small but bigger and speaking now. Speaking and thinking and exploring.

"No, not really. They wanted to release you, that's not good of course. It's difficult,"
"You wouldn't have to deal with weather or fear. Do you ever want to go back?" He continues.
"go back?"
"Go back. visit them again. See if they've changed or if going to elsewhere did nothing. See if they're better or dying,"
"Gabriel, don't talk like that. The elders were smart. And they have the Giver. They will be doing fine I'm sure," I respond as Jonas walks into the room.

I woke up and hadn't noticed the tears falling down my cheeks.

"Are you okay, y/n? Jonas asks.

I wipe the tears from my eyes and nod.

Jonas X Reader: Elsewhere ElsewhatWhere stories live. Discover now